Memes time

Mar 25, 2013 19:35

A real low: feeling unhappy and inadequate (and BEING inadequate) and not wanting to do the drabble meme because I will probably still feel/be unable to write and then I will feel MORE unhappy and inadequate.

My mum is determined that I have a job lined up before I give notice and that would be sane but I am so unhappy here. And I am getting fatter and spending more and those things are a Bad Sign re: my happiness, and on the spending front sort of negate my being here. I think perhaps I shall give my notice in the next fortnight, considering the MONTH of notice ILA requires if you quit, and get a plane.

Anyway. Here's a meme I find faintly entertaining if highly Tumblr-ish:

Bastard: A law you've broken.
Fuck: Worst injury you've ever sustained?
Piss: Tell me about one time you got really drunk.
Shit: A rumor you helped spread?
Cock: List three reasons why you are awesome.
Motherfucker: A person you would fuck if you could with no strings attached.
Dammit: A regret you have.
Hell: Something you currently do that would drive one of your parents nuts?
Cunt: What activism cause is closest to your heart?
Ass: Traits you find most attractive in a partner?
Bitch: A terrible/awful/bad ass thing you once did without remorse.
Tits: Favorite food of all time?

Btw, on the subject of dirty words?

TEACHER!LOKIFAN: Team 1, what's your team name?
LOKIFAN: No bad words for team names.
WHIZZKID: It's not a bad word.
LOKIFAN: Yes it is.
WHIZZKID (pityingly, since for native speakers to be So Wrong as to disagree with his 12-year-old self is very sad): No it's not. It means popular.
LOKIFAN: Well, yes. Sort of.

And then I spent five minutes teaching my nineteen 12-15 year-olds about being "the shit", "hot shit", and "shit", and the differences thereof.

This was originally posted at Comment wherever you like :)

my second language is love, memes

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