Richard Kern

Jun 17, 2012 00:35

Richard Kern's videos make me feel dirty and not in a good way. For the most part, they seem like collections of desperate hearts yearning for some lazy kind of immortality, as if the act of revealing revealed anything of real value. Vulnerability is not a treasure there, it grows like grass, incessant and pointless. It lacks the abandon and quirk of professional pornography, the controlled fire of burlesque, the skill of a pole dance done right, the idealism and hope of a classical nude.

Richard Kern's videos feel like sleeping with a girl, a girl you don't care for, because she loves you and you find that irresistible. Richard Kern's videos are not masturbatory aids, rather they are exercises in masturbation. Richard Kern's videos are every bullshit pick up line in the history of bullshit pick up lines, meticulously designed to impress the impressionable.

Myspace photos, taken from cameras held at arms length. Claiming bisexuality to appear sexier. Ironic moustaches. Low waist pants. These are Richard Kern's videos. They challenge nothing. For all the skin they show, they present no revelation, only an electric fan blowing air up to lift a skirt. They don't even have the decency to happen upon a breeze.

sex, insight, buh

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