We got a tour of the campus and a basic rundown of what the university is looking for in potential transfer students. As it is, I'm in a more selective school than this new one, so I'm not 100% doubtful that I'll get in, but neither am I keeping my hopes up. If I were rejected after hoping/expecting to get in, I don't think I'd handle that very well at all.
But now, I've got the issue of practicing my clarinet like a madwoman. That, and buying a new clarinet. I'm still using the first one I ever got. It's a higher-end student clarinet, but it still is a student clarinet. The level I read at and the because I'm going to audition for college level music, I need to get a professional level one. I love my little squeaker, but it's intonation isn't the best, it's always sharp, and it tends to lock up with the Bb and C# alternate keys. I'll always keep it, but it is time to move on.
The transfer adviser I spoke to suggested I apply for the music performance program as it's more selective to get in to than the theatre program. It will be easier if I go for the hard program first and then tack on theatre, apparently. Of course, they have to make sure that I'm academically eligible to transfer before I can even audition. If I don't get in, I'm going to go back to the old community college I was in and take classes there. I will not stay at my current university. After having my own first hand experience there and after talking to a number of people who have gone/visited there, the consensus is that a majority of the student body is extremely narrow-minded, racist, and really rather cold. It seems to be ~80% upper-class white students, and it certainly caters to them. Not to mention it's rather infamous reputation as the drinking/party college of the United States. It does have a good academic program, and it does offer a lot in the way of education, but that's not everything when it comes to college.
This new university, I really, really liked it. I love that it's in a major city. I love that there was such a massively diverse group - in race, economic background, ages, everything. It was fantastic. The campus is also expanding, the university is buying out the surrounding area and rebuilding everything. The programs they offer in the way of music is amazing, and as I understand it the theatre program is really good, too.
I just hope they let me in. We'll see. I have to keep reminding myself not to get my hopes up though.