Artistic toothpaste? wtf.

May 12, 2014 10:58

I go to the library a lot, and they have a section full of donated and discarded books that they sell for 25¢ or 5 for $1.  I've picked up a lot of books that way (too many, you could argue).  One day I picked up a self-help book called "Fat, Broke, and Lonely No More."  I just had to, for a quarter.

The first 4 short chapters were okay.  Not amazing, but these books seldom are.  But sometimes I enjoy reading them because even if it is obvious advice, I need to see it.  I can skew very lazy if I let myself.  Chapter 5 is about being more "artistic" and making your life your art.  Okay.  I can admit that I and others sometimes need to take a moment and create or appreciate more of the beauty in life.  As a concept, not bad advice.  BUT THEN, she got more specific on what she thinks is leading an "artistic" life.

"What do you use to wash your face?  Is it just some product you picked up somewhere, or did you think before you bought it about how it feels and smells and works with your complexion?  Was it tested on animals?  Are the ingredients as safe and natural as those you look for in your food?"

Really?  I don't want to sound disdainful about natural skincare, but I take issues sometimes with the notion that "natural is always better."  Do you also rant against "chemicals in my products and food"?  I hate that.  Chemicals are... everything.  Everything is a chemical.  Water is a chemical.  Be more specific and know what you're talking about and why you hate it.  Also?  Not every thing man made is evil.  Yes, there are some skincare ingredients that probably should be phased out and are bad, but on the flip side, natural isn't always better.  Would you use a skin cream made with poison ivy?  It'd be natural.  Ugh.  I hate that.

next bit of advice:

"What about your toothpaste?  Is it the same old mint stuff your mother bought for you, or have you discovered imported, specialty artistic

Italics on 'artistic' are hers.  Seriously? Artistic toothpaste?  And imported?  Because it's worth it to waste the fuel and packaging and energy to import toothpaste.  And because it's not made here, it's better?  You care about natural food, but want imported toothpaste?  How do you determine toothpaste is artistic?  I really want to know.

I just... artistic toothpaste.  I can't even... wtf.

venting, books

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