So tomorrow I start vacation, and my first week of full time college since like, 1999. It's terrifying.
Oh, and books? Fucking outrageous racket. An into accounting book should not cost $320. Advanced, 300-400 level courses, sure. INTRO? No. If I had bought all my books at the campus bookstore It would have been like $750 for 4 classes. I haven't tallied it all up, but it will be close.
Also? I'm sorry, bookstore, that you have competition, or that some people use their financial aid fraudulently. That doesn't mean you need to be evil and block off the books, only letting a "customer service representative" fetch books for students (with their schedules and financial aid/budget in advance) until a week or so before class starts. Also? Making up your own ISBN numbers and posting them on the website you're required to have doesn't seem right, either. Fucking bastards slap their own upc/isbn sticker over the one that comes on the book, post that on the website, so then the books you need only seem to be found on their websites. Interesting.
Also? I'm not a fan of bundling software like myITlab and myAccountinglab with books, because then I have to buy it from the bookstore, and the labs are not my favorite learning tools. At all. ugh. HAAAAAAAATE. Also not fan right now of the "custom" editions for schools. All I see is another way to hold students hostage to the bookstore.
I don't mind buying some books from the bookstore, but making it this hard to shop around when I'm not getting any aid for books pisses me off. I don't make that much money. I'm having to get money from my uncle to buy my accounting book, and that still leaves me with one more (minor) book to buy. Thank god I don't have accounting until Friday.
In other news, I don't have much. Summer has been... lots of frustrations and injuries, starting with Memorial Day. Sprained my ankle really bad on the way to work that night, thought it would be okay in a few days. A few months, probably should have gone to the doctor, but, you know, books. I've also burned a small patch of skin under my eye, dropped a glass jar on my toes, and tripped over everything in my apartment at least once. I'm just gonna change my name to Grace. Although this is the first summer in a long time I haven't gotten sunburned (yet), so bright side to everything?
I think my theme for the summer has been angry and frustrated at nearly everything. I'm trying to change that, but it's hard.
Trying to get back to the gym and eating better, it's hard, too. I need to start making and freezing my own frozen dinners. Anyone had any luck doing that with pizza?
Work is... work. It's there, I get paid. The people trying to get sudafed to make meth have been out, but I haven't seen any many scary ones, nor as many smurfs that we've had to call the cops on, so that's good. We haven't been robbed in a long time, and I hope that stays the same. My work schedule is changing, I think I'm going to be working Monday to Sunday (basically with 3rd shift that's seven days, working monday night through the next monday morning) instead of Saturday to Friday.
Fandom wise... I've finished SG1 and SGA. Started SGU but stopped, will probably start that again later. I started watching SG1 over, and am on season 4. I like it ,but am not sure that I have fandom thoughts, but that's mostly because I'm so stressed about school, work, and paying for books. Although I think most of my SG thoughts can be summed up with OMG!Sam/Jack, OMG!Sam is awesome, and I love Elizabeth Weir, and would consider going gay for her. Also, I ship Weir/Caldwell.
And speaking of Caldwell, MITCH PILEGGI!!!!! I love him, dearly. Some people just make me happy when they're on my tv, and he's one of them. I was a huge X-phile back in the day, and I FINALLY finished all nine seasons. I was on tumblr and this one confession said something like "watching x-files reruns reminds me of my crush on Skinner and how I wanted to do unspeakable things with him on his desk" and yes. I remember that. It's not so creepy for me to perv on Skinner now because I'm in my 30's, but back then when I was like, 17? But c'mon.... those eyes? And his back? I have this thing for broad shoulders... and that scene where he's shirtless and punches Krycek in the gut? I shouldn't find that so hot, but I do. I really do.
Although he's starting to look his age, I think. Less so with the shaved head and goatee than he does with a clean shaved face and letting his hair grow out a bit in back. I hate soaps and shows like that, but I watched season 1 of the new Dallas for him. I love watching him play the bad guy on that show. I need season 2 to become available on amazon prime or on dvd at the library.
Rookie Blue this year is good, but I kind of feel about it like I did about season 1... it's setting up the next season. I find myself liking Sam/Nick, and I like Marlo, I'm not looking forward to seeing her fall, but I know it's coming. I want Gail to be awesome again. I think she really got knocked on her ass emotionally when she was abducted, but the writers aren't doing so good getting that across, and she just comes across as kind of... pathetic. I think I do like the Gail/Holly thing, though. Chloe is... there. I used to love Dov, but now it's kind of take it or leave it. Oliver is still awesome, and I'm not sorry he's getting divorced. I wanted Zoe to be as awesome as Oliver, but she just isn't. So move on, Oliver!
This turned into a much longer post than I thought it would... probably will be my last for a bit.