Oct 30, 2011 11:28
I have come to the conclusion that I am completely insane. No, really. I mean, who else would think it would be okay to do what I did this semester?
17 Credits, plus a job as an English tutor (hello, long annoying lesson plans) plus having a lead position in the competitive Model U.N team, plus flagship, plus dance, plus GSP.
I can't right now. I just can't.
At the same time, I don't want to quit any of them because- let's face it, they're insanely fun! Stupid things, being all fun.
So, yes, haven't had much time to blog or read any of your lovely blogs. :( I know, completely terrible. Next semester I'm planning on not killing myself so- hopefully, I'll be able to get to know some of you better!
Thank you for not deleting me!