(no subject)

Aug 22, 2011 14:20

Recently I've been reading a lot of behavioral pscyhology and neuroscience based books. And, to answer your next possible question of "Why?!", or the other common question I recieve when people surreptiously glance at the cover of the novel I'm ditching them for "Is that for school or something?" To answer those questions: No, and because I wanted to.

If you'd like to know what they are or, even, why you should care- please do continue (No worries, I'll sprinkle some lovely pictures [well, lovely in my opinion] throughout.) . So, a few months ago I met with a neuroscientist to discuss my novel. Yes, I was surprised too. Honestly, how could I think that a neuroscientist would have time to talk to some freshman about a potential project that, more than likely, wouldn't even be completed?

I suppose why he said yes will forever be one of life's mysteries or, perhaps, you could just ask him. Who knows, maybe he'd answer. The point is though, he said yes the semantics of why he found my letter interesting or, what would happen if I had chosen a different writing style or had described my novel in a different way are relatively unimportant at this point. Frankly, I'm not even sure why I took the time to write all of them- but at this point it woudl take far too much effort to subsequently delete and re-word things.

Anyways, the purpose of this meeting was to discuss the possibilities, well, not that- I kind of had the 'possibilities' down pact- it was more of the plausiblity of those possibilities with someone who had vast amounts of knowledge. What was mean to be, at least in my mind me questioning him, quickly turned into a non-stop interview of my writing: When did I come with the idea? How? Why? How much do I write? What have I discovered? What did I think about [this] or [that]? I mean, I could not steer this guy back on track. Well, my track. He seemed to have an agenda of his own.

Still, the talk was tremendously helpful! Through it he successfully allowed me to reach my own conclusions, conclusions that would fit my book. Is it time for a picture break? Should I split this up into two posts, maybe? I haven't even gotten to what I originally planned on talking about. O_O Man, oh man. I'm good at planning. Anyways, I'll keep half my promise. Here's a photo- of me. What a treat.

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