What Do You Want From Me- Part 11/?,

Mar 10, 2011 16:17

Title: What Do You Want From Me
Author: alexmonalisa
Rating: R
Disclaimer: The characters belong to Marvel, Fox, and the people who made it. *sadface*
Feedback: Better than chocolate cake so give me lots
Summary: AU/No Powers. Marie Turner is twenty and trying to get by. Logan Howlette is thirty and working at a dead end job. One night fate intercedes and their life’s are bound together forever.
Author’s notes: My Wii is distracting me. Instead of writing I dance most of the day and then spend the rest of the day reading fanfiction.


Marie sat on the sofa, her leg propped up in front of her, a blanket draped over her shoulders. All her stuff was currently being moved into Remy’s house by Remy, Scott and Ororo. This house was the only one of Remy’s many houses and apartments. It was two hours away from the mansion, so she wouldn’t have to stop working but far enough so that she wouldn’t bump into Logan whenever he was visiting. The house had four bedrooms, a large kitchen, two bathrooms, a living room and a dining room. It also had a massive garden which Remy had said he planned to put a sand-pit and swing set in for Lena. Every piece of furniture was expensive and unused and, in a way, it made Marie uncomfortable. It was obvious Remy never spent much time in this house. It felt more like a prison than home to her. But it had to be home for both her and Lena.

Until her leg was better she’d be spending most of her time here at the house with Lena. Ororo would be keeping contact with her via e-mail and that way she could rest and at the same time organise class schedules. Remy had pointed out that she needn’t work and he would provide everything for her but Marie felt that she couldn’t break contact with the Xavier’s. They were Lena’s family and had grown to the love the girl. She couldn’t suddenly take her from their lives. And apart of her didn't want leave behind the people she'd come to see as family.


Marie looked at Lena who was standing beside the couch clutching a gold picture frame in her hand. Marie opened her arms and Lena climbed onto the couch, snuggling into her arms. Marie stroked her hair with her left arm, and kissed her forehead, drawing the blanket around them. She was careful to keep Lena on her left side as her right was broken.

“What’s wrong, princess?”

“Where daddy?”

“Oh... daddy’s not here. But he’ll see you soon.”

“Want daddy.” whined Lena.

Marie sighed and looked at the picture Lena was holding. It was a picture Jubilee had taken of Logan sitting with Lena on the couch, and Marie was curled up next to them, Logan’s hand resting on her thigh. She didn’t remember the picture being taken and was embarrassed when she’d woken up to see it sitting on her dressing table in its gold frame. She closed her eyes, picturing the memory was too heartbreaking,  and placed the picture face down beside her. She pulled Lena closer, tucking the little girl’s head under her chin so that she wouldn’t see the tears.

“I know you miss daddy. I miss him too.” Marie whispered.

Lena wriggled out of her tight embrace and peered up at her, reaching up to wipe away a tear.

“Mommy sad?”

“No, not sad. Just sleepy.”

“Sleepy?” asked Lena, her little face pinched into a frown.

“Mommy’s leg hurts and mommy takes medicine. Medicine makes me sleepy.” Explained Marie.


Lena snuggled back into Marie’s embrace and kissed her chest.

“Sleep mommy.” She whispered.

Marie nodded but she knew she wouldn’t be able to. Every dream she had been about Logan and every nightmare was the car crash. Sometimes the car would crash and right before she blacked out, she’d see her parent’s covered in blood. She rubbed Lena’s back, humming softly to encourage her to go to sleep. She heard someone move into the living room and turned her head slightly. Scott walked in carrying a pink toy box. Marie frowned, not recognizing it.

“That’s not ours.”

“It’s a gift from Logan’s parents. Now that Kayla knows, the whole family does.” Explained Scott.


Scott nodded and placed the toy box down opposite the couch. He stretched before turning to Marie, hands on his hips.

“It’s best to put it here so that she can be close to you while you work. Jean has one in her office for Nate.”

“Thanks Scott.”

“No problem. Here.”

He reached into his pocket and handed her a tissue. She smiled gratefully, and cleaned her face with her left hand, keeping her movements to a minimum so that she didn't wake Lena. Her gaze fell to the top of the toy box where a pink photo album lay. Scott followed her gaze and picked it up but she shook her head.

“Get rid of it.”


“I don’t want it Scott.”

He frowned and opened it up. She closed her eyes knowing already what was inside. It was a scrap book filled with pictures of her and Logan and Lena. Sometimes Jubilee as well. She had wanted to give it to Logan for Christmas. After hearing about his past she’d wrote little notes next some pictures. She wanted to show him how she saw him. He was beautiful, kind, loving and protective. On the inside cover she had written, ‘Logan, Trust Your Instincts, I did and they led me to you.Love Marie.' She shook herself, willing the memories away.

“Please Scott.”

He nodded and tucked it under his arm. He walked up to her and squeezed her shoulder, before leaving the room. Marie shifted and then winced. Although her right arm was broken she refused to let it rest, ignoring the pain and using it like normal. She had tried that with her broken right leg but Jean had about blown a gasket when she saw Marie walking around her hospital room without crutches. Eventually Jean convinced her, for Lena’s sake, to at least stay in her wheelchair until all her bones were properly healed. Marie looked up as Remy entered the room. She smiled as best she could but her heart wasn’t in it.

“All done chere.”

“Good, where’s Scott and ‘Ro?”

“Ororo’s making dinner, Scott went to pick up Jean and Nate. He’ll be back later.”

Marie frowned before sighing, and shaking her head. She knew that look on Remy's face, having so many times when she lived with him before.

“You're leaving.” she whispered.

“I have to go to New Orleans for a few days. My father wants an explanation to this whole situation. You'll be fine here.”

“Dammit Remy! I need you right now!”

“You’ll be fine chere.”

“Fine? I can’t walk!”

“Jubilee offered to stay with you. I told her it was fine, as long-”

"As long as Logan doesn't visit."

"Chere, please. It's better if you don't-"

“You know what Remy, do whatever you want. I don't care” hissed Marie, keeping her voice low.

Remy sighed heavily and shook his head, picking up the photo beside her. His eyes darkened at the picture and he slammed it down on the coffee table, causing the glass to shatter. He opened his mouth to say something but Lena sat up, let out a wail. Marie pulled her back to her and rubbed her back, whispering words of comfort.

“Remy, a word.” Came Ororo’s voice from the kitchen.

Remy shook his head and stalked into the kitchen, closing the door behind him. Marie closed her eyes, still rubbing Lena’s back and wondered if this was right. She shook herself mentally, knowing that it was because she loved Logan, she was letting him go. Everything she did was for him and Lena. She loved them more than anyone else in the world.


Here are the links for the previous chapters;











genre: angst, universe: au, author: alexmonalisa, rating: r, fic, genre: drama

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