What Do You Want From Me- Part 10/?,

Feb 20, 2011 16:43

Title: What Do You Want From Me
Author: alexmonalisa
Rating: R
Disclaimer: The characters belong to Marvel, Fox, and the people who made it. *sadface*
Feedback: Better than chocolate cake
Author’s notes: I didn't want to leave my readers hanging so I went plot-bunny hunting and remembered where I was going with this story.


Pain. It shot through every part of her body as she gasped and her eyes snapped open. Her vision was blurred, her body was numb and her head shot with intense pain. Her throat was dry and her right arm felt too heavy. She moaned as best she could and heard movement to her left. She tried to speak but all that came out was a strangled whine.

“Don’t move.” said a smooth voice.

She blinked a few times until her vision cleared. Remy was leaning over her, smiling gently, his left eye bruised. He reached out and gently caressed her cheek, before placing a kiss on her forehead.

“You scared me chere. When the hospital called...”

He sighed and shook his head. She frowned and tried to speak, not knowing why the hospital had called him, but once again merely a croak of sound came out. Remy smiled and took her hand, rubbing it softly.

"I’m your emergency contact.” explained Remy.

Marie’s eyes widened at hearing that. She never bothered changing that detail as she never found anyone else she could trust to take care of her. Until now. Until Logan. It all came back to her, the conversation she’d heard between Jubilee and Kitty, her walking away from the bar, someone calling her voice, the bright light... the pain. She cleared her throat and this time forced herself to speak.

“What hap... happen-“

Remy cut her off with a finger to her lips. She could feel tears of frustration forming at the corner of her eyes. Remy brushed them away with kisses, before squeezing the hand he was holding.

“You were hit by a car... and lucky to be alive. Lucky, cause Jean Summers is an excellent doctor who was able to stop most of the bleeding. You have three broken ribs, your right left and arm are broken and you’ve been out for a week.”


“She’s fine. Ororo has been looking after her.”

Marie nodded slightly before wincing at the pain in her neck. Remy put an arm around her and helped her to sit up. She smiled in thanks and looked around the room. There were balloons at the end of the room, a basket full of treats and a giant yellow teddy bear. There was a chair beside Remy, where his coat was draped over and a small pillow. She'd been out for a week. Her eyes widened when she the fact hit her.

“I... I missed school-“

“Shh. Don’t worry, Ororo has Jubilee to help her.”

Marie nodded and her eyes wondered over the window. Her breath caught as she saw the pink orchids sitting on the window sill.

“Logan was here.” She whispered.

“Yeah, where do you think I got the black eye?” Muttered Remy, his voice laced with hatred and rage.

Marie turned to look at him, frowning at his eye. She’d made Logan fight. Logan didn’t want to hit others after what happened in his past but she had changed that. A deep wave of shame washed through her and she closed her eyes, taking a deep breath.

“I want to see him.” She whispered.

“Chere, it’s not possible. Kayla knows about Lena and right now Logan is trying to work on their relationship.”

“Please Remy?”

“Guess that means you want me to leave-“


She tightened her grip around his hand, thankful that he hadn’t let go of her hand because she had no strength to lift her hand up. He stepped closer to her and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

“What is it, chere?”

“There’s something you can do for me.”


Logan came to see her the next day. Remy stood up instantly as Logan entered and the two men glared at each other until Marie cleared her throat. Remy muttered something in French and stalked past Logan, leaving him alone with Marie. He rushed over to her and placed a gentle kiss on her lips.

“Baby, I was so worried.”


“Marie, what were you thinking?”

“I was drunk, and I thought... I dunno.”

He frowned and shook his head, sitting on the bed, taking her hand in his. There was silence between them and she looked over him. He was wearing a suit, with his shirt unbuttoned and his tie in his pocket. She smiled and squeezed her hand in his grip. He smiled back and placed another kiss on her lips.

“You punched Remy.”

“I was angry.” he explained.


“You weren’t awake, Jean said she’d noticed you hadn’t eaten for awhile and then your doctor, Hank McCoy, he said he spoke to you awhile ago. You told him how you weren’t coping. I felt guilty, I realised how I was always taking care of Lena but never you.”

“That’s not true-“

“Yes it is! I gave you money for Lena, I took you in so Lena could have a place to sleep. It was only after you started becoming less guarded around me that I started giving you the attention you needed. But it wasn't enough-”

“Logan you don’t have to feel guilty.” she said firmly, squeezing his hand for emphasis.

“But I did. And seeing Remy made me angry cause he knew you better than I did. But once I hit him, the nurse thought it best if I left. They said I could only visit once you woke up.”

He sighed and ran his hand over his face. She noticed a sadness in his eyes that made her heart clench. His next words broke her heart;

“Why wasn’t I your emergency contact?”

“Logan, it can’t be you. You have Kayla. I was meant to change it to Jubilee but I forgot.”

“Marie... you once said you were alone in this world. What did you mean?”

She sighed and closed her eyes. She didn’t want to tell him but she realised he deserved to know. He had told her his life story, something that he was ashamed of when he had no reason to be. She owed him the same. After all, she did love him. More than he could ever realise.

“My parent’s passed away when I was ten. I was placed in a foster home and I liked it. But when I was thirteen, I got in a lot of trouble at school. My foster parents kicked me out, saying I was too much trouble. I ended up in New Orleans, worked as a maid at one of those seedy motels. When I was sixteen, I was cleaning a room when someone locked the door and raped me. It was horrible and it made me feel pathetic. He told me things like I’m a whore, and no-one will ever love me. He said I deserved to be raped for always flirting with the men that were trying to enjoy their prostitutes. I believed him and soon I started giving hand-jobs and other sexual things to anyone who would pay. I started my job as an exotic dancer when I was eighteen and thought I’d die as one. Then at twenty...”

She paused and squeezed his hand, the corner of her mouth lifting.

“You saved me.”

“God Marie... how... I ... shit kid, what that fucker said is not true.”

“That was long time ago-“

He grabbed her chin and forced her to look at him. She stared at his hazel eyes burning with pure anger and hatred. She wanted to ask if it was because he was disgusted with being her savour but he spoke over her.

“You are beautiful, Marie. Worth more than the biggest diamond in the world.”

Tears formed and she sniffed not wanting to cry, her heart threatening to explode.


“Hush baby. Everything’s going to be okay.”

“I know, but you have to listen to me.”

“What is it?”

“I’m going to live with Remy.”


“Lena and I are moving in with Remy. We’re going to be a family.”


“It’s better this way. I love him, he loves me. Only me. He doesn’t love his wife. I know that now.”


"Don't! You need to stop dragging me into something I don't want to part of. You have a family Logan! You have Xavier, Ororo, Kitty, Jubilee, Jean, Scott, your parents and Kayla. All I have is Lena and Remy. Two people who love me. Don't pretend you know what it feels like to be alone."

"What are you saying exactly?" he hissed.

“I don’t love you as much as I love him.” She whispered.

Logan snatched his hand away and took a step back. She peaked up at him and felt guilt set in at the sadness in his eyes. It disappeared quickly and there was only anger in his expression.

“Lena is yours. You can see her anytime.” she whispered.

“My lawyer will draw up custody agreements.” Said Remy.

Marie looked passed Logan as he whipped around to where Remy was leaning against the door. Logan stalked towards him but then Lena ran in and hugged Logan’s leg. Logan picked her up and placed a kiss on her cheek before placing her on Marie’s bedside. Marie wrapped her uninjured arm around her daughter and watched sadly as Logan left. Remy moved towards her and placed a kiss on the cheek.

“You did the right thing chere.”

“If that’s true, why is my heart so broken?”


genre: angst, universe: au, author: alexmonalisa, rating: r, fic, genre: drama

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