FIC: The Cure For Questions: Wish I Was the Moon (3/18)

Mar 07, 2011 03:17

Author: thatcraftykid
Fic: The Cure for Questions
Summary: Marie thought she needed a cure. Logan thought he needed answers. Turns out fulfilling a need is a lot less satisfying than accepting a want - but no less achingly complicated. Post-X3, the architects of Marie's cure and Logan's amnesia conspire within the government. Only together can Marie and Logan break their cycles of self-destruction and stop a war they were never meant to start.
Notes: Originally, this was supposed to be a series of standalone stories, but that flimsy charade has been toppled by the merciless all-mighty Plot Bunny. Heil, Plot Bunny. May he live for a thousand years. And may this fic take me considerably less time to finish.
Chapters: 3/18
Word Count: 6000ish
Rating: R
Universe: X1, X2, X3, Origins: Wolverine, X-Men: First Class(ish)
Pairing: Logan/Rogue
Disclaimer: Marvel owns the characters, Fox owns the movies, and a bunch of other people own the lyrics. I own my brain. Sometimes.
Feedback: Is pretty much the best thing ever.

track 3 // WISH I WAS THE MOON

And sitting on that bench with the new boy, the one who made her remember normal, who told her, “It’ll be easier on your own,” David was back, crowing louder than ever. The clinic and the streets should’ve taught her already, but now she had it from the benevolent privileged - she was a freak among freaks. It wasn’t a mutant gene that made her such a disgusting human leech. It was her.

He tells her so often and so certainly, that even after a cure exorcises his throbbing accusations, her soul-sucking powers - when she rakes fingernails across her flat, lifeless skin and says to a mirror, “There’s still something wrong with me,” she hears some boy saying it with her.

Sorry about the wait again. But I bring angst and a Rogan kiss. What more could you ask for in an update? :D

universe: x-men origins wolverine, universe: x2 (x-men united), universe: x3 (the last stand), universe: x1 (x-men), author: thatcraftykid, genre: shipperfic, fic, rating: r

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