i've been up to a lot of art/performances/writing/work/freelance art/writing/artwork and living a lot and sleeping notsomuch. *sigh* let me tumblr-redirect, etc. mes amis...
and my second year of involvement. the day is not yet over, friends! poetry it up like a good hippy! kevin's mum, libramoon/laurie, who runs emerging visions, poetry/art ezine told me about it last year
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to do more than part the curtain in this general direction makes me feel a bit off to-night. on these grounds. i'm a stressed out grad student (receiving my MFA next sat?!) having ecstatic grocery store experiences followed by exhibitionistic BOY it feels good to write tumbling- poetry fodder to share
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did i put that pubic looking french word for 'published' on the correct side of the self-identifying noun? i am a poet because i invent grammar and my franglais/frebrewlais an awful lot on the fly. sigh. none the less...