Fic Archive Post

Jan 23, 2020 15:49

Hey there, and welcome to my Journal. As stated in the User Info, I do a lot of fanfic writing in this journal, and this is my official archive post. With the general warnings debacle, I figured I ought to mention: I warn for all the biggies (when I write them), like rape and torture and eating disorders (I don't think I write the others), but I do not explicitly warn for character death, especially for canon deaths (and given that most of the characters I write about died canon deaths, I'd hope it wouldn't shock you.) However, I usually (usually) give you a pretty good idea of the mood of the story. The other thing I don't warn for, but sometimes wonder if I should, is miscarriages. I never write them graphically, but I do write them.

Also! If you're wondering about the header- they're cookies based on Battlestar Galactica. The top row is Cavil, Tyrol, Roslin, Adama, and Tigh. The middle ones are Cally and Starbuck. The bottom row is Gaeta, Hoshi (although I guess he could look like Helo if you prefer), Tory, Head!Six, and Baltar. And yes, Gaeta's leg was delicious.

Harry Potter Fics

The Deny Thy Father/Mentors/Accidentally In Love Universe

Deny Thy Father. Do you really think disowning your family is easy? Sirius may have pretended to Harry that it meant nothing, but some would say it meant everything. The story of how Sirius Black came to leave home. The first part of my DTF/M/AIL universe. Rated PG to PG-13 for language and parent-child issues. Gen, except James crushing on Lily.

Mentors. Alphard Black and Remus Lupin- two unlikely friends- help each other through the ups and downs of their lives. Part of the DTF/M/AIL univers. Rated PG-13 for language and talk of sexuality.

Accidentally In Love. Sirius and Remus both had their own reasons for never falling in love. But since when does love listen to reason? Rated R for sex, violence, and language, warnings for rape. Part of the DTF/M/AIL universe, unfinished work.

On LJ:
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Cooking Lessons. A little jealous competition with Lily inspires Sirius to learn a whole new skill. Rated G.

The Old Canvas Bag. Damien Lupin has always loved the Muggle sport of boxing, but not nearly as much as what it gave him. Pg, gen.

Azkaban Tango. Six short testimonials from inside Azkaban's walls. Written after listening to Chicago's Cell Block Tango too many times. An experiment that I still haven't decided if it worked. Rated PG-13 to R.

Crawling in the Dark. Remus is spying on the Death Eaters, with the mission to save a single soul. This is lifted almost word-for-word from Accidentally in Love, but is the Remus-Regulus subplot. Stand alone and does not count as a work in progress.

Remus/Sirius fics with plot

Accio Bananas!. Hermione and Ginny have a question. Sirius and Remus agree to answer. Rated R for language and explicit descriptions of nothing that's happening.

Ten Galleons. I never wrote a summary, but it's the Sirius-as-a-prostitute one. Guess the rating.

35 Years of Virginity and Counting!. No summary, but it was the one where both of them were virigns after Azkaban. Rated PG.

Replace the Fear. Sirius wants Remus... but he's not willing to risk the price. Rated soft R, and partly inspired by a nassima picture.

Happiness Where I Can Find It. After Sirius's death, Remus searches for comfort where he can, including in Tonks's arms. Unfinished work and written for the hp_synergy challenge, and illustrated by andreannna.

Walls. A relationship gone horribly wrong makes Remus wary. Sirius is determined to get through anyway. Rated R to NC-17. Written for the 2005 shackinup_sesa

Wake Me Up Inside. Sirius has changed a lot over the years. A remix of Losses and Recoveries and Wake Me by nessa_owen. Yes, I am ashamed I used an Evenesence title for a story.

Sparkles and Sugar Plums. Remus and Sirius take a young Nymphadora to the Nutcracker Ballet. Written for thistlerose for the 2006 rs_small_gifts exchange.

Christmas Reading. Christmas Eve at Grimmauld Place Written for the 2007 rs_small_gifts exchange.

He That Believeth In Me. Voldemort's reign shattered homes, families, and dreams. Sirius Black was no exception: once, he'd wanted to be a priest. Written for the rs_games

Remus/Sirius ficlets with plot

Evading Classics. Why don't I ever write summaries? An escape from No. 12 Grimmauld Place

The Fallacy of Loneliness. Another 12 GP ficlet.

Brotherly Love. A game of chess leads Sirius to question some of the decisions he made earlier in his life.

Book Club.
Sirius and Remus discuss the merits of certain pieces of literature.

Remus/Sirius with no plot

Once a Day. Just discussion on girls.

Collecting Spoils. In response to celestialsoda's Canines.

Immature Ideas. From dogdaysofsummer and a picture of phallic stones.

Giving Thanks. Inspired by nassima's Love in Grimmauld Place.

For Educational Purposes Only. Written for shaggydogstail

Gen fics (or canon pairings)

Come Talk to Me. It's Percy's 20th birthday, and the Weasley family reflects. Written prior to HBP's release, rated G.

A Boy Thing. Unrequited love can do funny things to a witch... or to a wizard. Tonks and Merope weren't the only ones to have trouble with their powers- in 1976, James Potter had his own problems as well.

The Need to Apologize. Sirius Black meets Aunt Marge. Rated PG.

A Little Respect. Theodore Nott has no desire to be one of the crowd; he just wants to be left alone. G to PG.

Chasing Dragons. He could have played for England if he hadn't gone off chasing dragons. Charlie Weasley fic for the omniocular January challenge. Rated G.

The End of the Night (Coming of the Morning Remix). After Voldemort is defeated in 1981, Kingsley Shacklebolt is stuck with a job that no one wants. A remix of kanella's fic Coming of the Morning.

Taking Offense. Nine drabbles about how Mr. Lupin could have offended Fenrir Greyback.

Though I Speak With the Tongues of Men and Angels. Sirius has always been a strong person. But what's the force that makes someone strong? The Sirius-as-an-altar-boy fic that ended up coming out as an examination of Sirius's spirituality.

We Could Be Heroes. Sirius needs a new wand. Ron needs to be taken seriously. They both find an adventure. Written for the 2006 hp_holidaygen exchange.

How to Save a Life (The High Enough Crescendo) Working for Werewolf Support Services might have been one step up from being a werewolf yourself, but Alastair Finch wouldn't have wanted to work anywhere else. A remix of rian219's excellent story High Hopes.

Not Enough (With the Someone's Future Coda). Desperation makes Regulus turn to his least favorite "person" in the world. A remix of leiascully's Do You See Someone With a Future?

Daddy's Girl. Why Lily didn't get into trouble with the Ministry for turning teacups into rats.

Ten Reasons to Love Bikini Girls. Written for dh_predictions. Prompt was Some sort of explanation for why screamingly-homo!Sirius had pictures of scantily clad Muggle women on his bedroom walls. Assumes Sirius/Remus, but more gen. Definitely a low rating.

The Grass Is Always Greener. The courtship of Petunia Evans by Vernon Dursley, and Lily's attempts to influence the result.


Let the Water Hold You Down. What if Peter was a loyal Death Eater, but found a way to protect James and Lily from being hunted by Voldemort? When Peter sees to it that Harry Potter is born on July 15, 1980, the world changes. Written for the 2006 reversathon. Peter gen, but background canon pairings, Sirius/Remus, and unrequited Remus/Peter. PG-13 to R for violence and the fact that I got inside Peter's head.

A Tale of Two Letters. Timestamp fic for 10 years (or thereabouts) after the end of Let the Water Hold You Down.

Just Forget the World. After losing their baby, James and Lily try to survive the war with their friends. Various permutations of Sirius/James/Lily/Remus, no infidelity.

Butterfly Casualties (The Time Traveler's Boyfriend Remix). Cedric Diggory was living a pretty normal life, until he met someone who wasn't even born yet. A remix of midnitemaraud_r's amazing Rise from the Ashes

The Line In the Sand. Everyone does things they know they shouldn't. Sometimes, they even regret them. When Peter confessed to Sirius that he was a Death Eater, the world changed. PG-13, and the warning consists of "I'm mean." Written for the rs_games

Ressurections and Epiphanies. They weren't supposed to survive the war. And now, Remus wasn't sure what was supposed to happen next. Written for the 2008 rs_small_gifts. Apologist R/T, AU, and homophobia. Actually is somewhat cheerful- for one of my AUs, anyway. (Translation: the entire cast doesn't end up brutally slaughtered.)

Battlestar Galactica Fics

There are a number of fics that are set in the same universe. These fics all follow canon, but the backstories for the characters are consistent through them. The fics can be read independently of one another, but I'd recommend reading A Lot to Live Up To before Softly Tread the Sand or anything past that. This universe contains:

-Youth's Final Luxury (Gaeta-Zarek, novel length)
-A Lot to Live Up To (Dee and her boys, novel length)
-Internal Exiles/All That's Left (Hoshi post-mutiny, one shots)
-Softly Tread the Sand Below Your Feet (Hoshi on Earth, one shot)
-Pain and Heaven (Dee, Narcho, Gaeta, Hoshi, one shot)
-Simple Gifts (Narcho, ficlet)

Through the Cracks. Five people who didn't visit Felix Gaeta in sickbay, and one who did.

Youth's Final Luxury. Tom Zarek and Felix Gaeta didn't have much to do with each other, until they were both working for President Gaius Baltar. Gaeta-Zarek gen fic with background/subplot pairings, PG-13, long, complete. Gaeta/Skulls, Gaeta/Baltar, and unrequited Zarek/Roslin.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9

Silly ficlets from bsg_slashathon

Novice (Baltar/Gaeta, PG-13, 379 words)
Private Showing (Gaeta/Skulls, Adult, 660 words)
Fallen (Gaeta/Baltar, PG, 363 words)
Discovery (Dee/Billy/Gaeta, Adult, 2,196 words)
Unplanned (Gaeta/Zarek, PG-13, 442 words)

Blaze of Glory, written for Sekrit Cabel Battle 4 (Gaeta/Zarek, PG, 440 words)

Ten Good Things Happen To Felix Gaeta, written for daybreak777's "Gaeta's Good Things Challenge". The summary is in the title. Gaeta/Hoshi, written pre-4.5-webisodes, PG-13 at the most, and no angst. (I know- it's a Gaeta fic with no angst!)

The Stories We Tell. Serious crack with Gaeta, Billy, Cottle, Baltar, the Tighs, and Cavil. I'd tell you what the crack is, but it spoils part of the surprise. Low rating.

How I Met My Boyfriend's Father Figure. Silly little ficlet where Gaeta introduces Hoshi to Zarek.

Measure of a Man. Wank-away fic dealing with Gaeta/Eight, written before the full release of the webisodes. Contains rape.

Five Times Hoshi Didn't Say 'I Love You', Four of Which He Regretted and Five Times Gaeta Didn't Say 'I Love You', but Meant To. Gaeta/Hoshi, written during the webisodes as background, PG-13 at the absolute most.

This Is Easy As Lovers Go. "I was happy you guys got together. Been making book on it since, like, forever." Not much of a backstory, is it? Backstory for how Gaeta and Hoshi met (and got together). PG-13.

The Touch of Your Grace. "You think you're the only one on this ship who feels guilt over the things he's done?" Gaeta/Narcho, because that was the original pairing for the webisodes and Narcho and Hoshi seem like two very different people. Rated R, quite dark, and there is talk of rape, although no rape takes place in the story.

Picking Up the Pieces. Because damn it, someone on that ship had to give a shit about what Gaeta was going through, even if the Adamas didn't. Reaction fic to "Sometimes a Great Notion", PG to PG-13, Gaeta/Hoshi.

Aftermath. Hoshi has to deal with the immediate aftermath of the mutiny. Gaeta/Hoshi, with past Hoshi/Narcho and Gaeta/Baltar. PG-13, and that's more for the things Adama and Hoshi say to each other than anything else. Unabashed resolution fic.

Felix Gaeta's Sing-Along Mutiny. A double parody of the mutiny arc from BSG and Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. About as cracky as the Blog itself, which if you know the Blog, you know how to interpret that. PG-13 at the absolute most, references to canon pairings.

Baby Pictures. Roslin asks Gaeta and Hoshi to be her poster boys for the in vitro fertilization program. They're not happy about it. Gaeta/Hoshi, PG.

Eyeliner. Tigh can't quite believe Felix Gaeta is wearing eyeliner in the CIC. PG, references to Gaeta/Hoshi, crackish.

Internal Exiles. Five people who didn't pin Felix Gaeta's picture on the Memorial Wall, and the one who did. PG, Gaeta/Hoshi, although Gaeta's dead, so more gen than anything else.

Tie Me to the Bedpost. It's all fun and games until someone loses the key. Gaeta/Hoshi, exactly what it sounds like. Don't miss the alternate ending brennanspeaks wrote in the comments!

Softly Tread the Sand Below Your Feet. After the end, Hoshi finds a new life. Post-Daybreak, focuses mainly on Hoshi with significant appearances from Hot Dog. Some background pairings, but I'd really call this gen.

All That's Left. After the mutiny, Adama realizes that there's an officer he'd better talk to. Past Gaeta/Hoshi, PG

Honor and Duty. Sometimes you have to do things for the good of your people… even if don't understand. The Gaeta/Eight relationship from her perspective. Eight/Four, Gaeta/Eight, implications of Gaeta/Hoshi. PG-13

I'm No Superman. There wasn't much on New Caprica that Felix could change, not with the Cylons in charge. But some people he could help, even if he'd never expected they'd need it. Written for lgbtfest, Gaeta/Eight, and a pair of OMCs. PG-13

Crescendo. Five drunken conversations that took place on the Demetrius. Jean Barolay, Sam Anders, Felix Gaeta, Diana Seelix, Helo Agathon PG, canon pairings.

Cylons With Jackhammers. Tiny little ficlet about tiny little Felix. 4-year-old Felix Gaeta has a nightmare. Check out tin_o_biscuits's drawing (friendslocked). It's way too cute.

A Lot to Live Up To. When Dee is promoted to XO of the Pegasus, a lot of people aren't too happy about it. But no one's unhappier than Hoshi, who thought he should have had the job. Dee-Hoshi gen fic, with Dee/Lee, Hoshi/Gaeta, and past Hoshi/Narcho. PG-13 to R rating, warnings for miscarriage. Set in the YFL universe, and now complete.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16

Pain and Heaven. Five sexual encounters that never happened in my universe, and five that did. Set in the Youth's Final Luxury/A Lot to Live Up To/Softly Tread universe, NC-17. Pairings are ::deep breath:: Dee/Gaeta, Narcho/Hoshi, Gaeta/Narcho, Gaeta/Hoshi, Dee/Hoshi, Dee alone (with bonus Gaeta/Hoshi/Narcho), Dee/Narcho, Gaeta/Hoshi again, Gaeta/Hoshi/Dee/Narcho, and Hoshi alone. Phew!

Meme Ficlets:

Suspension of Disbelief. Gaeta/Zarek for tin_o_biscuits, PG-13
Bed Time. Helo/Athena post-finale fluff for thistlerose, PG-13
Five Times Felix Gaeta Regretted What He Did, and One Time He Didn't. Gaeta, "remorse" for brennanspeaks, PG-13
Spark of Memory. Tyrol/Baltar for blue_crow, PG-13
Cooking Lessons. Kara/Sam (fluff) for prolix_allie, PG

Oh, Baby, Oh!. Galen and Cally try to cope with her being pregnant. Adult.

Payback's a Bitch. "Wait," he said, "you're Gaeta?" Adult, Narcho/Gaeta

Bridge Bunnies. Adult, Dee/Helo/Gaeta

The Rascal King (The Scheherezade Remix). Five conversations where past becomes present. PG, gen, Zarek and Gaeta. A remix of inlovewithnight's excellent Zarek backstory fic Catalyst.

Raptor Rides. Everyone in the Fleet seems to get the joy of babysitting Hera Agathon. Why not Tom Zarek? Gen, rated G.

You Sexy Thing (Not-the-Angel Is a Centerfold Remix). hat picture of Lee Adama was just too good to only use in the documentary that D'Anna Biers shot. And when Bell sold it to the Fleet-News magazine, it gave a whole new meaning to improving morale. A remix of lean to the side (lee adama: colonial pin up) by bantha_fodder, with a lot of sampling from Twenty Random Facts about the Battlestar Galactica.

Comic Book Heroes. Gaeta and Zarek discuss famous people they've met. Gen, and very G rated.

The Ten Songs Meme- this was the one where you wrote a drabble per song for ten songs, only writing for the amount of time that the song was on. I did two of them:
Various characters, most set in The Universe
Zarek-Gaeta friendship, set in the Youth's Final Luxury universe

Reluctance. Gaeta/Hoshi ficlet, rated PG-13. Very short.

Simple Gifts. Narcho gives Dee a birthday present. Set in The Universe, and very fluffy and sweet.

Something About Today. There's something about the calendar that's bugging Gaius. Baltar/Caprica 6, past Baltar/Gaeta.

Freaks and Geeks. Because people grow up. The "Helo used to shove Gaeta in his locker" fic I'd always wanted to write. Written for frak_that, PG, gen.

Chavelle's Primrose Mystery. The last cosmetics vendor in the universe has turned up dead. Ellen Tigh needs to figure out who killed her, before she's accused of the crime herself. Written for femgenficathon, has a lot of Cain as well, PG-13.

The Space Between Us. Raptor 718 wasn't lost randomly; an Eight on board was ready to switch sides in the Cylon civil war. With the passengers of Raptor 718 being held prisoner on the Colony, the events on Galactica unfurl differently. (Season 4.5 AU fic, and Kara-poof-free.) Written for bsg_bigbang, rated R, contains violence, torture, miscarriage, and rape. None of it is explicit on the page, but the effects linger. Pairings are mainly canon, except for Pilot!Eight/Engineer!Two and Sweet!Eight/OC!Four. Link here goes to a master post.

Ficlets that take place in the The Space Between Us Universe (also listed later):

Pictures of You (Geeks and Tattoos)
Justice for All
But That Was When I Ruled The World
Battles Still Unfought
Sunny Days Sweeping the Clouds Away
Ten Rounds with Jose Cuervo
Teach Your Children Well by kappamaki33

Here On the Hill, Halfway Up, Halfway Down. Before the attacks, Felix Gaeta knew Brother Cavil as the chaplain on the Galactica. On New Caprica, Cavil became an ideal source of information, and Felix was willing to do what he had to do to get it. But how deeply can you entangle someone in a web without catching yourself as well? Gaeta/Cavil or Gaeta/One, depending on how you want to look at it/what you call the Ones. Rated PG-13 to R. Art by brennanspeaks.

Crazy Random Happenstance. Gaius wants to do something nice for Felix. And what could possibly be nicer than sex? Written for the battle; prompts were Gaeta/Hoshi blind date, Gaeta/Baltar conquest. Rated R.

Our Last Night Alive. Timestamp fic for "the night before the mutiny, Touch of Your Grace". Gaeta/Narcho, rated PG-13 to R.

Battles Still Unfought. Timestamp fic for "2-3 months after Chapter 17 of The Space Between Us. Gaeta/Hoshi, PG-13, deals heavily with PTSD for both of them (aka- heed the warnings for the original story!)

To Have and To Hold. Gaeta/Hoshi, for the prompt secretly married. Rated R.

Untitled. Untitled Fisk/Hoshi story, rated R.

Lily's List. There are all sorts of reasons to have sex. 50 drabbles, 50 pairings, probably rated R.

Every Man Must Choose His Way. When Billy survived the terrorist attack on Cloud 9, his friendship with Felix evolved into something independent of Dee. And when the Colonials settled New Caprica, it became a friendship that could help save the world. Billy-Felix gen, rated PG-13.

But That Was When I Ruled The World. Timestamp fic for The Space Between Us, Vinnie the One's life on Galactica

Pictures of You (aka Geeks and Tattoos). The story behind the picture of the Gaeta/Hoshi pic I put in all my fics.

Not Where I Belong. Tory might have pulled her from the launch tube, but Cally's life still felt like it was over. Everything she loved was gone, or at the very least, changed to something that she hated. Cally AU where she survives, mostly gen although Galen is extremely important. PG-13. Warnings for mild suicide thoughts (Cally) and someone (not Cally) committing suicide.

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8

One Need In the Night. Revenge. Everyone wants it. Sometimes, it's even deserved. But that doesn't necessarily mean that it's forgivable. Hoshi-Athena darkfic, rated R. Warnings for rape, child death.

That's Good Enough For Me. Helo and Gaeta share the last chocolate chip cookie in the universe. Gen, rated PG.

The Company I Choose. Timestamp fic for Here On the Hill, Halfway Up Halfway Down. John on the basestar a week after the Exodus.

Sunny Days Sweeping the Clouds Away. Timestamp fic for The Space Between Us. Sam becoming an elementary school teacher.

Retribution. Creepy little crossover drabble.

Our Very Special Guest Stars. The pigs were made from felt. They ate. They evolved. And they have a plan. (Well, no. But doesn't that sound good?) Crossover between BSG and Pigs in Space. Pure, utter, unadulterated CRACK, because what else could it be?

First Rain. Hot Dog, Nicky, and Hoshi during their first rainfall on Earth II.

First Day. Danielle's first day aboard the Galactica.

Daddy Issues. Tigh and Gaeta have a conversation right after the attacks.

Apology Accepted. There's something that Felix wants from Tom. (Gaeta/Zarek)

Just Looking For a Good Time. Silly little Cally/Hot Dog ficlet.

Catch You. Felix and Dee on Earth (actual Felix/Dee!)

The Struggles Make You Stronger. A diagnosis is usually a bad thing. For Louis Hoshi, it was worse than he ever would have imagined. Hoshi's backstory from A Lot to Live Up To. Easy enough to follow if you haven't read ALTLUT, but HUGE spoilers for it.

Part 1

Fowler's Five Stages and How They Relate To Your Sexual Identity Crisis (The Peanut Gallery Remix). Brendan Costanza always assumed he was straight, and not the brightest bulb in the bunch, either. So falling in love with Felix Gaeta requires some serious re-evaluation. A remix of trovia's amazing How to Live and Love as an Amputee, by Brendan Costanza. Gaeta/Hot Dog with Hoshi/Narcho and Hot Dog/Racetrack, rated PG-13.

I'm Not a Princess (The Fairytale Remix. Felix Gaeta had a bad habit of falling in love with people who screw him over. But there was someone he loved that actually loved him back.. A remix of lorrainemarker's utterly adorable Gaeta Through Hera's Eyes. PG, gen with background pairings of Helo/Sharon and Gaeta/Hoshi.

Can't You Hear Me Screaming? Five times a gay or bisexual man was raped in the Colonies. All of them went looking for justice, but only one of them could find it. Written for the lgbtfest, rated R for violence and asshattery, and while it has vague descriptions of rape, the five times are all about the aftermaths.

A Man Down a Hole. Written for the prompt: Tigh stopping Gaeta from attempting suicide in the airlock post Raptor of Doom. Gen, PG-13.

Common Ground. Written for the prompt: I'd like to see someone teaching him to sing Gaeta's lament. Doesn't matter who :]; kid Felix Crossover with Caprica, gen, PG

Frak Jealousy. PWP, Gaeta/Narcho/Hoshi, Adult

In Silent Lucidity. Written for the prompt: I want to see someone comfort Gaeta after he's almost thrown out of the airlock. Bonus points if it's one of the Adamas. Felix Gaeta, Lee Adama, gen, PG-13.

Drive Until You Lose the Road. Written for the prompt: In Sometimes A Great Notion, instead of Dee it's Felix. Bonus points if Helo/Dee find him and reactions from Adama and Louis. PG-13.

The Woman King (The Gaeta Version) After stabbing Gaius Baltar, Felix Gaeta is assigned to Dogsville. He was prepared for the headaches and the boredom. He wasn't prepared to investigate a murder. A re-write of The Woman King with Gaeta as the main character, bringing in Hoshi and Zarek. PG-13

Ten Rounds with Jose Cuervo. Gaeta gets drunk with the Tighs Space Between Us fic

Be My Mirror, My Sword, My Shield (The Girl All the Bad Guys Want Remix). Five things Tom Zarek learned about Laura Roslin. Bill/Laura, unrequited Tom/Laura, PG-13. A remix of voodoochild/bluerosefairy's atlanta never looked the same.

The Story of Those Who Always Loved You (We Are Family Remix). Hera's known more than one family. And she remembers them. Gen, PG. A remix of grey_sw's Family Snapshot.

Fireflies. Prisons and wardens come in different shapes. Some are obvious, some not so much. Warnings for dubcon.

Justice for All. The Space Between Us Universe- Whatever happened to Gage? Rated PG-13-R, warning for past rape.

If You Had Loved Me. Five ways canon might have changed if Laura Roslin had loved Tom Zarek back, and one way it wouldn't. Rated PG-13, Tom/Laura.

Labor Negotiations. Every time Galen tries to convince Felix Gaeta about the necessity of a labor union, Gaeta takes Baltar's side. Cally says it's because Felix confuses love and sex. If she's right, how the frak do you fight it? Cally/Galen, Cally/Felix/Galen, Adult

Ground to Dust. When the Cylons attacked New Caprica, Lieutenant Hoshi was on the surface. As an active military member, he was taken as a prisoner of war. Gaeta/Hoshi, adult, warnings for torture.

Emptiness. Hoshi can't quite handle Gaeta's death. Neither can Baltar. Hoshi/Baltar, adult.

Broken Skies, Broken Sunsets. Growing up, Dee loved romance novels. As she got older, she realized there was something off about them. Written for the 2010 femgenficathon, Dee gen with background canon ships, PG-13.

Drabble Contest Drabbles. Written for bsg_kink's Drabble Contest III. Includes, Kendra/Hoshi, Gaeta/Hoshi, Gaeta/Zarek, Sam/Hybrid, and more.

I Know St. Peter Won't Call My Name. The Pegasus has plenty of demons. Everyone needs some form of escape. Kendra/Hoshi, adult, written for bsg_kink's Guilt Week.

Fractured Family. I couldn't even come up with a summary. Ellen and Saul did have children, who were taken by the Cylons and released into the Colonies at different times. They made it back into the Fleet as Billy Keikeya and Louis Hoshi. Seriously, I don't even know.

Stripped Naked. The night Dee turns down Billy's proposal, he meets a new friend on Cloud 9. Billy and Hoshi gen.

Right Hand Man. When Dee says yes to one specific question, everything changes, and Felix finds himself as the XO of the Pegasus. Lee/Felix and Billy/Dee AU, light R, written for the bsgficexchange.

Faith and Forgiveness. One summer morning, Jesse gains a new congregant The Space Between Us Universe, rated PG.

Agency. Dollhouse and Epitaph One showed us what happened when the imprinting technology falls into the wrong hands. But what happens when it falls into the right ones? When Laura Roslin discovers that the imprinting technology is on board the Persephone, it opens up a whole new way to benefit the Fleet, especially after the mutiny does its damage. But even in the right hands, there's a price to be paid. Crossover with Dollhouse, Rated light R, canon pairings.

Angels Would Fall. Losing Kara was a blow that Sam didn't think he could recover from. He doesn't expect to find his consolation in Lee. A remix of skieswideopen's Shifting Ground. Mature.

That I Would Be Good (The Live to Tell Remix). On New Caprica, a Two took an interest in Felix Gaeta. The difference between a Two and an Eight meant a huge difference in the way Gaeta's life turned out. A remix of lorrainemarker's Rose of Sharon. Mature, warnings for rape and Stockholm's Syndrome.

All For One and One For All (The United We Stand Remix). The civil war is tearing the Cylons apart, unless a One can find a way to change his brothers' minds. A remix of grey_sw's A Symphony for Twelve. Focuses on a different Cavil, but does contain Cavil/Boomer. Teen.

You See All My Light and You Love My Dark. The women of Galactica have their flaws... but they have their strengths, too. Fourteen drabbles focused on the seven deadly sins and the seven heavenly virtues. Laura Roslin, Caprica Six, Helena Cain, Sharon Agathon, Kendra Shaw, Anastasia Dualla, Kara Thrace.

Pillars of Salt and Pillars of Sand. When the Demetrius happens on a broken Serenity, they've got the parts to fix her. In return, Mal takes Kara Thrace and Felix Gaeta to Greenleaf to see this civilization. But Greenleaf isn't exactly Paradise, and when does anything ever go as planned? ( Part 2 is here). Firefly/BSG crossover, gen, Teen.

The Pleasure of the Pain. In the wrong hands, it's risky. That's why when Felix wants to try it, Louis wants to find someone he can trust. Gaeta/Hoshi/Narcho, adult.

About Time. When he got off New Caprica, Felix Gaeta's life pretty much sucked. But a new friendship with Louis Hoshi really made it a lot better. Gaeta/Hoshi, R.

The Silence of Solitude (The Lookie Here, I've Got a Bite Remix). Five times Saul Tigh went fishing. A remix of plaid_slytherin's Summer. Gen, PG-13.

Princess In a Tower (The "True Love's First Kiss, My Ass" Remix). When Sharon and Helo are taken prisoner by the Cylons, desperate times call for desperate measures. But the way out is the last thing that Sharon ever expected. A remix of trovia's Helo ficlet. Helo/Athena, PG-13.

Man's Best Friend (The Dog Days Are Here Again Remix). Life sucks for a dog in the Fleet. But when his not-owner hands him over to another human, Jake's pretty sure life's about to get a whole lot better. A remix of thistlerose's Something Nice Happens to Felix Gaeta. Gen, PG

A Wicked and Wild Wind. New Caprica was exactly what Laura expected: gray, cold, and hopeless. Mostly. Roslin/Zarek with a little Roslin/Adama, PG-13.

2011 Halloween Treats. A whole mess of ficlets, including Bill and Saul post-election, Leoben and Three, Laura and Head!Billy, an AU mutiny ending, Gaeta and Dee friendship, Gaeta and Narcho AU, Gaeta and Hoshi teaching at Dalton, Tigh, Gaeta, and Hoshi during Revelations, Gaius and Caprica Six celebrate Colonial Halloween, Tom Zarek and the Order of the Phoenix, Dee meeting Starbuck, Finn meeting Helo, Kurt meeting Zarek, and Dee and Felix making up navigation as they go along.

Nice Work If You Can Get It (The Bad Reputation Remix). Louis wasn't Felix's type- everybody knew that. A remix of kappamaki33's Not Quite What You Expected. Gaeta/Hoshi, PG-13.

Unasked Favors Roslin and Gaeta discuss him stabbing Baltar.

A Bitter Pill. Sam wants to get Kara back, but there's something he has to do first, whether he wants to or not. PG.

Ship Wars Fics. Various pairings, but mainly Gaeta/Hoshi and Dee/Helo.

Remember, Remember the Fifth of November (the Family Business Remix). Tom has always been willing to give all he has for Sagittaron. He wasn't the only one. Remix of puszysty's Blood Lines. Warnings for terrorism, rated R for violence, gen.

Someone I'm Not. Felix needs a way to break out of being who he is, at least for a night. A porn ring might be the way., Gaeta/Hoshi, Adult.

Fathers and Sons. The universe where Bill Adama is Felix Gaeta's biological father. Bill knows, Felix doesn't. Written as a series of ficlets.

Common Ground | Familial Obligations | Forgotten Sons | Family Business | Lost and Found

Those Who Lift Each Other- BSG/Glee crossover

Info post
Chapter 1- It's the End of the World As We Know It (Will, Miniseries - 33)
Chapter 2- It's Time To Be a Big Girl Now (Brittany, Water - Colonial Day)
Chapter 3- But That Was When I Ruled the World (Puck, pre-Kobol's Last Gleaming - Resistance)
Chapter 4- What's the Frequency, Kenneth? (Artie, Resistance - Flight of the Phoenix)
Chapter 5- In the Service Of the Queen (Santana, Pegasus - Resurrection Ship II)
Chapter 6- Show Me a Garden That's Bursting Into Life (Tina, Epiphanies - The Captain's Hand)
Chapter 7- Burnt To the Core But Not Broken (Blaine, Beiste, and Lauren, Caprica Resistance arc)
Chapter 8- Only Shooting Stars Break the Mold (Rachel, Lay Down Your Burdens I and II)
Chapter 9- Down to the Ground (Kurt and Burt, Lay Down your Burdens II)
Chapter 10- Tricked By the Future You Picked (Kurt and Burt, Lay Down Your Burdens II - Collaborators)
Chapter 11- Something to Be Proud Of (Mike, The Passage - Rapture)
Chapter 12- If We Worked Hard, If We Behaved (Carole, The Woman King - Dirty Hands)
Chapter 13- We'd Ever Die For These Sins (Sam, The Son Also Rises - Escape Velocity)
Chapter 14- I'll Be My Own Savior (Finn, Guess What's Coming to Dinner - A Disquiet Follows My Soul)
Chapter 15- We Hurt Each Other and We'll Do It Again (Mercedes, The Oath - Blood on the Scales)
Chapter 16- If God Had a Face, Would You Want to See? (Quinn, No Exit - Someone To Watch Over Me)
Chapter 17- Don't Stop Believing (Sue, Islanded In a Stream of Stars - Daybreak III)

Glee Fics

Let's Talk About Sex. Kurt's not afraid to talk about sex. He's not. Even if Finn doesn't believe him. Glee, gen with background Kurt/Blaine, PG-13

Secrets Between Brothers. Seven sites that Kurt blackmailed Finn over, and one that he didn't. Ten connected drabbles. Kurt-Finn gen. Glee. PG-13

Tough Little Boys. Burt/Carole <500 word ficlet, Glee, PG

Halo. Puck/Lauren <500 word ficlet, Glee, PG

I'm Movin' On. Kurt-Finn <500 word ficlet, Glee, PG

Turn This House Into a Home. A house is just a building; it becomes a home when a family lives there. The Hudsons and the Hummels slowly become a family. Unabashed Hudson-Hummel fluff, Glee, PG-13

Let Slip the Dogs of War. Watching Kurt and Finn compete against each other at Regionals was tough for Burt and Carole. But it wasn't until after the judges' decision that Burt realized exactly why. Gen Burt-Kurt fic, Glee, PG

In the Sky Away. Kurt might be melodramatic, but his family knows that losing Pavarotti matters. Hudson-Hummel fic, PG.

Take Me Away and Take Me Farther. Going to a club in New York during Nationals seemed like a great idea at the time… until it turned into a nightmare for Kurt. Warnings for rape and rape recovery. Kurt/Blaine, Puck/Lauren, R.

I Bring My Better Angels To Every Fight (The Man In the Mirror Remix). Burt wanted to change the world for Kurt. He didn't realize that, by changing himself, he already had. Those years of struggling that it took Burt to figure things out. A remix of vnilla's Some Things I Cannot Change. Gen, PG-13.

A Little Help From My Friends. New Directions may not always act like they're friends, but they're family and they've got each others' backs. And they've got Kurt's back after the prom. Reaction fic to "Prom Queen". Canon couples, PG.

The Room Just Won't Shine. Ever since Finn caught Kurt coming out of Sam's motel room, nothing's felt right, and his family knows it. But he can't quite put his finger on what it is that's wrong. Smack-Finn-around-a-bit fic, Finn/Quinn, but really more Hudson-Hummel, PG-13.

The Goggles Do Nothing. When you get right down to it, Burt and Carole are still newlyweds, and hardly celibate. But there are two kinds of people who never have sex: your parents and your children. When Finn and Kurt catch them at it, they're desperate to forget. Burt/Carole and Finn-Kurt brotherly bonding, R.

Your Heart Outside Your Body. For the Fiftieth Hunger Games, the Capitol required each District to send twice the number of tributes- two boys and two girls. For the boys, District 8 sent Finn Hudson and Kurt Hummel. Glee/Hunger Games crossover, heavy on the Hudson-Hummel family with some Kurt/Blaine, warnings for violence, character death, and suicide. Warnings are not to be taken lightly. Rated R for violence.

Teach Your Children Well. Burt and Carole aren't exactly thrilled about Finn and Kurt's relationships, but for different reasons. Burt/Carole, Finn/Quinn, and Kurt/Blaine, quite fluffy, PG.

Some Assembly Required. Merging two families into one isn't always as easy as you'd think, especially when both families come with relatives, living and dead. Hudson-Hummel dynamics, PG-13.

Watching You Watching Me. Burt and Carole join forces with Hiram and Leroy to try to figure out a way to stop their kids from getting married. They get a little off-topic. Written for an April Fool's joke, and silly PWP. Adult rating.

Ohio Hummel and the Murder on the Orient Express. One winter night, a ballerina is murdered on the Orient Express, and an eclectic group of passengers ferret out her killer. At least, that's what's supposed to happen, if any of the glee club would just play their parts in Kurt Hummel's Magnificent and Magical Murder Mystery Dinner like they're supposed to. gen, PG.

A New Direction. Artie's future plans don't work out quite how he'd like, leaving him at Greendale Community College. It's not where he wants to be, but taking Film 201 might help a little. Glee/Community crossover, PG.

Other Fandoms

Breaking Dawn. Hank Rearden settles into Atlantis. Atlas Shrugged, PG, gen

Little Brown Bird. Every time Rhett met Melanie, his respect for her grew a little more. Gone with the Wind, PG, gen.

Follow That Star. The three wise men? More like the three wise guys. When Kermit, Scooter, and Fozzie see a new star, they embark on a quest to find out where it leads. Muppets, PG, gen.

Your Mechanic's Hand (The Permission Remix). Simon's considering asking Kaylee to marry him. It's a big decision, and not one he wants to make without advice. Firefly, Simon/Kaylee, PG-13.

We Are Not Shining Stars. It was supposed to be a routine drop on Caprica, before the Cylons attacked. Now the crew of Serenity are among the survivors, but surviving isn't all that easy, especially when two of their own disappear. AKA: Zoe the Resistance Fighter. PG-13, Zoe/Wash.

Something Uncomplicated. Inara has no intentions of servicing any of Serenity's crew. But there are many ways to express friendship, especially when they both agree it doesn't have to be complicated. Kaylee/Inara, PG.

Some Glue Or Something. Five times Roland and Cassandra helped Hilary Faye get her groove back, and one time they couldn't. Saved, PG.
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