Fic Archive Post

Jan 23, 2020 15:49

Hey there, and welcome to my Journal. As stated in the User Info, I do a lot of fanfic writing in this journal, and this is my official archive post. With the general warnings debacle, I figured I ought to mention: I warn for all the biggies (when I write them), like rape and torture and eating disorders (I don't think I write the others), but I ( Read more... )

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Comments 29

nogah January 23 2006, 21:55:22 UTC
i'm putting this in my memories.


pfrsue January 24 2006, 19:00:33 UTC
Hey, just as a matter of interest, is there some reason this entry is dated Janurary 23, 2010? Did my nap run too long????


lls_mutant January 24 2006, 21:02:52 UTC
Nope. I just wanted it to stay at the top of my journal :) No worries!


What a treat! loveable_pads January 25 2006, 03:32:34 UTC
Oh Lissa this is wonderful! There are fics of yours on this list that I've never read. What a treat!

I also wanted to share with you some pictures I drew of Sirius and Regulus inspired by your AIL description of them. They are on my LJ if you'd like to check them out. I'm going to appologize ahead of time...the pics are hUUUUUge. =)


Re: What a treat! loveable_pads January 27 2006, 06:33:21 UTC
Oh you pimped me! You're so sweet. =oD


Re: What a treat! werewolf_lib September 29 2006, 05:16:59 UTC
Your icon made me laugh so loudly that my husband came in to see what was going on!

Love it!


anonymous January 31 2006, 19:56:03 UTC
Is Deny Thy Father R/S? If it is i'm deffinitly reading it. I'd read almost any R/S fic by you. XD


lls_mutant January 31 2006, 20:10:36 UTC
::grin:: thanks :) Deny Thy Father is pretty gen, but there's some R/S pre-slash in it. It's the kind of thing you don't have to read it that way if you don't want to, but if you want to see it it's definitely there. It's really Sirius centric, to be honest, and focuses so intently on why he left home (and doesn't really have him hit any sort of sexual maturity) that romance is a non-started. It is the prequel to Accidentally In Love, though, so they do eventually get there ;)


read it read it!! lupinspatronus February 6 2006, 01:19:39 UTC
read it!!
To lupins little sis: I finished DTF a few days ago and am currently reading AIL so I just thought I'd leave you a note here..I thought DTF was very well done =] with the pacing the characterisation and the handling of issues etc.. and I like how peter is portrayed, because he isn't like the little fool making obvious comments or clumsy or spineless like many other fics paint him as -- we can really see that he was indeed just as much a friend to the rest as any of the other marauders was. Actually this is even better than canon Peter, because the mwpp friendship is much more realistic now. Yay! I highly enjoyed it =D. Ok shall shut up now.

Quick post more AIL! -hops around anxiously-


kat_scratches March 8 2006, 12:38:16 UTC
Hello. We'd like to invite you to join the_kennel, a home for quality Remus/Sirius fic & art by quality writers and artists. This is a fairly new comm, but we would really love to have you as a member!



lls_mutant March 9 2006, 04:05:15 UTC
Cool- sounds like fun. Thanks so much!


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