Are you ready to play What am I??
In the picture below, I'm holding an unstuffed part of the new amigurumi I'm making. What body part do you think this is? What do you think I'm making?
What do you win if you're right? The satisfaction of knowing that you have an excellent imagination.
These are pictures of the big wing of an amigurumi butterfly that I'm designing. I wanted an amigurumi-style butterfly. I could find lots of butterfly patterns, but only a few were amigurumi-style. By that I mean, only a few were stuffed toys. None of the few I found appealed to me. So I decided to design my own. In my design, the emphasis will be on the big wing, its shape, and its colors. Yes, "colors" plural. I've concluded that I'm a masochist at heart because no one other than a masochist would choose to crochet such a small item using three colors multiple times within a single round. What on earth was I thinking??
Oh yeah, I remember now. I was thinking it would make a neat looking wing. I worked this one wing three times over until I came up with this design. The smaller lower wing will be simpler in design in order to not compete for attention with the big wing. But it'll still be three colors. At least that's the plan. I won't know for sure until I start crocheting it later today.