Release 88

Dec 20, 2011 22:16

Release 88 is now live!


  • Site-scheme comment pages have been redesigned! Any journal or community which has disabled customized comment pages, such as this community, have been updated. Highlights include the commenting form having improved userpic selection, making it easy to insert links, images, and videos, expand/collapse ( Read more... )

r88, comment pages

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Comments 9906

andy December 21 2011, 06:17:24 UTC


yunho December 21 2011, 07:04:24 UTC
Right now you're the only one.


femshep December 21 2011, 07:11:54 UTC

Which would've been in the subject line but LOL WHOOPS.


eiryuu December 21 2011, 07:37:21 UTC
+1: subject line; where is it and why is it gone ohmanz. T___T";;;

(also, More Options-> Preview Comment was a very good friend ;________; )


bwinter December 21 2011, 06:20:06 UTC
With removal of the subject lines there is nowhere to click to go straight to a given part of a long collapsed comment thread. Say I want to go directly to the part where user C comes into a conversation between A and B, or read the discussion from December 15 onwards - I have to go from the top and keep clicking Link (because Parent and Thread links are gone now, too). Please at least bring back Parent and Thread links in collapsed comment threads.

Please fix this, and the selection of userpics (we shouldn't have to load all images!)


yunbuns December 21 2011, 06:31:33 UTC

it would've been nice to put that in the subject line!

but the main problem is...i really need my "thread" button back. this is so imperative.


the_wondering_1 December 21 2011, 06:50:24 UTC


lanna_kitty December 21 2011, 09:15:18 UTC

oh god. this is all the fail. ALL THE FAIL.
Slow. Removed accessibility and functionality. Tons of wasted space and over-designed extra crap. Whoever thought this was a good idea was mistaken.

Good UI design is about more than snazzy animations and soft, rounded corners. It's about, you know, useability.


martyfan December 21 2011, 06:25:41 UTC
How the HELL does this make it "easier" to pick user pics when I have to wait for HUNDREDS to load? I know what they're called, I don't need to hunt through them all when they're NOT IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER.

Also the subject lines were FINE. PUT THEM BACK.


wingsandwill December 21 2011, 06:36:27 UTC
THANK YOU the userpics browser is actually my first problem with this. I mean, there are other things I hate, but the userpic browser is awful. I didn't use it before, I certainly don't want to be stuck with it now.


spoofmaster December 21 2011, 06:38:44 UTC
I'm not even attempting to use anything other than my defaults tonight - the icon selector is that bad. I have to wait for it to load, scroll through hundreds of icons that are completely out of any semblance of order...and this is "easier"??!


kartos December 22 2011, 05:44:25 UTC
They're actually in the order of when you uploaded them, like on your profile. Sooo stupid!

Also if you're unpaid right now, it doesn't tell you which ones are disable and which are not. It simply goes to your default icon when posting. Is that a ploy to make me want to be paid? It's doing the exact opposite.


kerrykhat December 21 2011, 06:26:19 UTC
While I like the ease of inserting links and photos, the lack of subject lines for comments is extremely problematic, as is the new userpic choice design. For somebody who lives in a place where the connection is not always reliable, this is the perfect way to kill my internet.


britesoul December 21 2011, 07:23:09 UTC


ext_946857 December 23 2011, 00:42:51 UTC
List of the 10 best and most popular sneaker brands in the world, 10 high quality best sneaker's brands in the market.
... )


moragmacpherson December 21 2011, 08:12:15 UTC
The LJ Hook extension for Firefox and Livejournal Extension for Chrome (which is not quite as good as LJ hook) has always made it simple for me to insert photos, links, etc. to comments (and adds no lag to the posting process -- it's also faster than the buttons on this comment form). Why the designers didn't ask the extension designers for advice, I'll never understand.


schexyschteve December 21 2011, 06:26:39 UTC
This is quite possibly the worst change you've made to the site, and that's saying a lot.


britesoul December 21 2011, 07:21:25 UTC


ofraindrops December 21 2011, 07:24:49 UTC
I'm sorry lj, but I have to agree with this comment.
Love your site & all, but with this "fancy" comment pages now it takes aaaages to load.


citymusings December 21 2011, 07:31:20 UTC


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