Hi! Are there any methods to get image content that are marked as "Only for Friends" ? I'm writing Android app and I try to use HttpGet. I add FB Headers like that: Host: pics.livejournal.com X-FB-User: bob X-FB-Auth: crp:0123456789abcdef:0123456789abcdef But in response I get Html page with access denied message.
We broke something in Perlbal late last week, but it is fixed now. Sorry for the inconvenience. The change was specific to our Production setup, and was not checked in to the LJ codebase
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I'm having a problem with fotoup.pl. It was working fine the last time I used it (on Aug. 15th), but now it fails in "get_challenge". $res->is_success is set to 1, but $res->content is blank, so XML::Simple:XMLin($res->content)dies with "File does not exist".