(no subject)

Jul 13, 2010 11:18

I'm so wildly excited about this analysis! Kurt Vonnegut is my hero

The stupid embedding doesn't work, but just trust me, that's what it said

Also, Hi, I'm back! I haven't written in more than a month. Now three weeks of that were because I was off being a seminarian of sorts. We learned about all kinds of different cultures and went to Mexico for a week. While I was there I discovered many things that I never knew I liked
1) History - it's so different when you can see its effects right there in front of you
2) Spanish - the language is so pretty, almost better than French
3) Hills - living in Chicago, I haven't seen many hills, but in Cuernevaca we were going up and down the streets constantly. It was fantastic! That and the high altitude combined to be really fun
4) Mole - when it's made right, it's really really good
5) Handwriting Letters - I wrote about five letters while I was gone and a few more since then. Including three each to caramelsilver  andzempasuchil who totally deserve it. Also, I wrote to my pastor and my history teacher
6) Futbol! - I've never watched the world cup before, but since one of the mentors had a personal interest in two of the teams, I got interested too. See, he lived in Ghana for a semester and lived in Uraguay for a year, so he wanted one of them to go to the semifinals. It was really fun to watch it with a whole group of teenagers. (And I don't bear the Netherlands or Germany any ill will for beating my adopted team)

narnia, history, bible, stories

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