Jun 11, 2010 20:23

This is a really really fun idea and I hope you all participate!


I've seen this before in action and it's absolutely fantastic!
Disclaimer: This will be utterly unsupervised by me, since I'll be in Seminary Program for the next three weeks. Therefore, it may get a bit hectic. BUT, it will be tons of fun, I promise you.
The rules, according to lassiterfics :
1. Anyone can reply to this post with commentfic. Anyone can start, and anyone can continue. That's right, even you!

2. Any genre, any ship, any fandom. Crossovers okay!

3. One commentfic thread is allowed to branch off into several commentfic threads. TITS, you can click 'Reply to This' at any point in an established thread.

4. You can comment with just one sentence, or you can go up to the character limit. If you exceed the character limit, post two comments. Whatever.

5. Threads will go for as long as they have to.

6. If this is your first night at Fight Club, you have to fight.

Go for it! DO IT DO IT DO IT!

i don't have a tag to express my glee, rainbows and unicorns!, awesome shit, stories

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