
Jul 14, 2010 18:02

I'm having a really crappy day. It's hot, for starters. People keep wanting me to do stuff for them, so as soon as I'm done clearing the stairs, I need to do the dishes. And to top it all off, they want me to go swimming with them and can't get it through their thick male heads that as much as I want to - and I really do want to by now - I can't. I physically, literally can not go in the water, because I'm having my period. Idiots the lot of them.

I did get out so I could mail a letter, so that's good, I suppose. Except for the part where it's too hot to stay out for long or your skin boils off. And the fact that I had to take my six year old sister with me. But besides that, it was a nice chance to get out of the house.

I need a hug. Or chocolate. God, I hate summer with nothing to do.

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stupidheads, aargh, real life

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