Mar 28, 2010 14:01

I got accepted into college! I just got the letter this morning, and at first I was really worried because it was my top choice and it was a thin envelope, but I got accepted! OMG, I'm just dancing on air right now. It doesn't even matter that it's the most expensive school or the furthest away because I got in, I got it, I got in! :D

This is Cornell College, in Iowa by the way and it has a really great program. Basically, you only take one class at a time. So there's three and a half weeks of science, including the final, then a four day weekend, then three and a half weekends of history etc. And I think this is going to be really really good for me, and I got in!

This calls for some star trek gifs!

rainbows and unicorns!, oh dear lord, awesome shit, school stuff

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