So, Supernatural

Mar 27, 2010 15:52

Oh yes, I went there. So far I've only seen the first two episodes, "Pilot" and "Windigo" It was really scary, especially the Woman in White. I LOVE the interaction between Sam and Dean; their brotherly love and co-dependence is so unbelievably adorable. But Z was completely right when she said not to watch it in the dark. I didn't believe her and then I had nightmares about demons and my sister stuck to the ceiling. *shudders*


Give me recs for fic, please. I'd rather not have *too* many spoilers, though that'll be a bit tough considering that I've seen so few.

ETA: OMG, I just watched "Dead in the Water" and it is AMAZING! Dean, trying to be good with kids and failing pretty bad, but then Lucas drew a picture for him and hugged him because he was scared and it was awesome! The deaths were much scarier in this episode exactly because you couldn't actually see what was killing them, because it wasn't a thing at all. And the end with BOTH the Winchesters diving into save Lucas was wonderful and perfect.

supernatural, oh dear lord, awesome shit

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