One of the challenges of database design is not just accommodating current needs, but anticipating future ones. I'm good at doing this most of the time, but most =/= all.
Tags are a database. And there are some things I'm still talking about that were tagged a certain way for reasons that no longer apply, or that I no longer want to think about in that way.
If you reached this post by following the
HoM tag for Highway of Mirrors, you'll want to continue with the
niay tag.
If you reached this post by following the
Haley novel tag for the as-of-this-posting-untitled Haley novel, you'll want to continue with the
novel 2 tag, which it was before I finished something else first. ;-)
(And if you're reading this on LiveJournal, you'll have to find those tags yourself, as the links point to Dreamwidth. And if you're reading this on Dreamwidth and want the niay tags prior to May 2nd, 2009, you'll have to look on LiveJournal. Platform changes, bleargh.)
This entry was originally posted at because LiveJournal has broken posting on my browser. Comments accepted here, but please comment on Dreamwidth if you possibly can.