liz is in trouble

Nov 11, 2004 17:55

man. oh man.

my mom just got back in the states a couple of days ago, and she's spending some time in california before she comes back to texas.

oh, the things she'll discover when she comes back!

* c in calculus... b in bio... and lots more crappy grades. you know, lately, people have been asking me quite frequently how i am ranked where i am, and i say, i don't know, i'm most likely not anywhere near there anymore... enemies, rejoice!

* hundreds of dollars in charges racked up on her credit card... in the span of 2 1/2 weeks... about $50 in food...

* I HIT SOMEONE COMING OUT OF THE BACK PARKING LOT... ironically, on my way to the dps to renew my license...
[edit.. ah, the irony that is my life. i talked to the guy's dad, and asked him if we could file it under my dad's name... yeah. he's a police officer...]

and then there are so many other untold long-term problems, such as

* not graduating because i have had my correspondance courses since july and have not touched them [doesn't matter, i know i'll be late to my own graduations/wedding/funeral anyway]

* booked every weekend for soccer/debate, out-of-town planning

* the ever-present shadow of cas

* finishing that stupid extended essay, world lit papers, and other ib papers

* convincing the attendance office not to take me to court

* organization fundraising planning [THIS IS THE WORST]

* going to work

* cello lessons/solo & ensemble

* getting myself ready for the columbia rejection letter, whereupon i will scramble to get counselor/teacher recommendations out the next day and fill out six more applications over break [while i'm in miami, no less]

* getting an 'a' in calculus to get a 'b' for the semester [... yeah... could start with staying awake and doing homework]

* more random crap

i'm sorry, i know listing my complaints doesn't make for the most exciting reading... all i can say is this is shaping up to be a crappy senior year that i can't wait to leave behind...

[edit: yes, this entry is pretty pathetic, but it's supposed to be kind of funny too, i just thought you guys would be amused by the crazy predicaments i get myself into]
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