Over Educated, Under Medicated

Sep 14, 2006 15:22

Mmmmmmm, hi. Wow, I have an LJ? Huh...

Recent events: Uh, movie night as hosted by yours truly went well, even if we only saw one movie, uhm, last wensday I went in and had a psych evaluation and came home with a percription for anti-anxiety meds - I've been on them a week now, and my dose just went up from 35 to 75 mg. It goes up again to 150 in three weeks. After a month and a half of that, I go back to the Doc and we'll see what we see.

Mike's parents were supposed to come over to dinner last week, they postponed, and then postponed again, so we made lhaluk dinner so the groceries didn't go off.

My brother's been calling me alot, it's rather nice... and I kind of giggled my way all the way through McKay and Mrs Milller because of it. Well, that and it's the most awesome McKay ep EVER!!! Anyway.

Speaking of my family my clone cousin has an LJ that I recently friended *waves at scifirogue*

And while I'm waving at new bits of my f'list *waves at shimere277* I'm that much closer to having all of B7 fandom freind me, mwahhahahahahahaah!!

Oh, and on tuesday billietallent and I hit the town - got a price estimate on the tattoo she wants to get, and then we hit Value Village, where I picked up two peices of my Stark costume for halloween! I even have pictures - the I can't #$&ing upload because Windows explorer crashes everytime I open the folder they're in. *cries*

That's my life right now. On to more important things. :)

All the Doctor Who fans on my f'list will get a chuckle out of this, I think. Though that they don't use any clips past new series one kinda throws me.

You know how we're been calling them plot bunnies all these years? They're so not. They're plot tribbles. They're cute and harmless on the surface, but they're born pregnant, and they'll feed on anything. And maybe this is just me, but they scream when faced with Klingons.

Please ignore the exsistance of , for it does not exsist. FNORD.

Meme time!

List the ten books that are gathering dust on your shelves because you bought them but haven’t read them.

*snerk* Like there's only Ten. To be fair, most of these were gifts, but still, I really want to read them.

1. What's Remembered - Arthur Motyer
2. Bending the Landscape: Original Gay and Lesbian Horror
3. Tears of the Singers - Melinda Snodgrass
4. Origins Reconsidered - Richard Leakey
5. Freya Stark - Molly Izzard
6. Methuselah's Children - Robert Heinlein
7. To Reign in Hell - Stephen Burst
8. I, Nuligak - Nuligak, Tras. by Maurice Metayer
9. The Lost Years - J. M. Dillard
10. The Lizard Sanction - Diane Duane

And while I was at memes, I was going to do one of my five things lists - but this post is rather long already, and folks are due over for gaming soon.

So, I'll just leave you with the info that my SPAM ME! post only has 245 comments on it.

"Sorry, it's just that you said 'I'm sorry' in that cute little Canadian way and... uhm. Sorry."
-Samatha Carter

memes, about liza, life, cool links

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