Tis the Season to go crazy, fa la la la la, la la la la!

Dec 22, 2008 13:26

Hope everyone had a blessed solstice; I did! *points at new little WINTER egg* Surprised the hell out of me, too; I bred an Autumn with a Black and *pop* "wait, what the HELL is THAT? Ooooooooooooh!" ...and that was how I figured out it was solstice. Sad, no?

QSC fell apart for this month on account of my life exploding in my face. It's December; everybody else's life is doing that too.

I had the weekend off, and spent Saturday Xmas shopping, as well as spending gift cards on myself. (I've learned NOT to spend them on gifts for others, because the person inevitably asks you "so what did I get you?" and if you say "Xmas gifts for my cousin/aunt/goldfish" or whatever, they hit you over the head with something. As I have a sensitive scalp, I opted for pampering myself.) Anyway kenderheart got me Mark of the Rani on DVD for my birthday (THANK YOU!), and my choir director got me a 3-cup coffee press. ^_^ We also now have my dad and Mike's brother covered, and still need to do Mike's parents and *MY* brother. (Everybody else is I'm afraid getting homemade crap, cards, and/or fic)

Yesterday we went out to dinner and a movie with my dad (or rather, a movie and dinner). We saw The Day the Earth Stood Still which I very much liked, though I get the feeling it went right over the head of most of the people critiquing it. Oh well. So did the first one, at the time. :P

I'm going to be posting another fic for beta soon, Doctor Who, Ten&Donna, G, non-spoilery. Let me know if you want to be added to the flter.

[ETA: And now sebaceanbabe has made me the most lovely prezzie!!


[Helen] You said you were here to save us!
[Klaatu] I said I was here to save the earth.
-The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008)

paul, friends, christmas, life, movies, dragon spam, gifts, doctor who

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