(no subject)

Oct 19, 2009 19:04


The builder is back in this week-and the dry rot is pretty bad so we've got to decide what to do next.  He's exposed the area and is back in tomorrow with fresh lintels.  Fine.  Everything is fine until this eve when Myf says her bedroom light isn't working-I check and the kitchen, dining and cupboard under the stairs all are fine but none of the others are working at all!  The fuse box is ok, none of the fuses have blown so I don't know what the fuck is going-having to wait until tomorrow to talk to the builder about whether he dislodged any wiring and I'll try  and get an electrician in.  Again.  Really fucking fed up with all this SHIT.

I'm seriously tempted to start puncinhg walls again, just for the momentary release that would give me but then I'd have to go back and repair the walls and I really can't be arsed right now.

Calculate minimum safe distance folks.  I'm in a hellish mood.


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