(no subject)

Oct 17, 2009 00:16

Remember the spider that hid in a pair of trousers, bit me and then set up shop on the wall near the ceiling?  Myf named him Ringo (I love the influence I have on my kid) and loved saying hi to him and waitin for him to come out on his web.  Yesterday evening, we noticed he'd gone-and when I checked on the floor, I found his poor body, all curled up.  Myf is actually devastated, was sobbing about it (hasn't helpd that she's been off school past two days because of some tummy bug that had her throwing up) but it took me til today to pluck up the courage to pick it up (on a sheet of paper) and take it outside to place with the rosemary.  Myf carried the box we put his body in and popped it it the pot, while being really upset-we said a few words and went back inside for cuddles.  She's drawn a picture of him in her diary and so he wouldn't be lonely, drew some 'friends' including a tanrantula, wolf spider, black widow and brown recluse-plus she added a picture of a fly on his web so 'he would have food in the afterlife'.  She's also renamed my shoulder tattoo 'Ringo'.

She also went into a story she heard at school about hinduism-Rama, Sita, Ravana and Lakshmana in incredible detail and I double checked it in on of my books and she was pretty spot on!  My hinduism knowledge is pretty sketchy but I do have some reference books so I'm looking bits and pieces up for her.  I love that she shares my love of mythology XD

So Ringo-we met under unusual circumstances but I like to think we became friends.  You taught me something new.  I'm sad to see you go but the web is massive and many threads interlace.  We'll cross paths again!

spiders, myf

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