random rambles

Aug 06, 2003 22:28

man... those dreams are back. every night. without fail. but only recalling vague impressions. last night, dreamt that i was going through a lift lobby and bumped into a producer i used to work with. he wondered how come we kept bumping into each other. IRL, i don't think i've seen him for more than a year!

spent the morning watching coldplay videos and interviews - mmm. chris martin is droolsome. what is it about piscean bois who have haunting voices and write beautiful songs? hehe.

the lazy right eye's trying to make friends with the new torric lens... it's irksome because the lens is threatening to escape any moment. think i'll end up wearing spectacles more often now. the sweet buckaroo_banzai offered me some encouragement but it's hard to escape the feeling of being 8 and being one of two people in class to wear spectacles. echoes of "oh you nerdy!!!" barrel through my mind when i step out the door. but finally got the correct lens fitted on my specs and so at least clarity is upon the world again.

saw City of Gods over the weekend - dunno. maybe over-hyped. maybe not in the right mood. it was good, just wasn't blown away. perhaps my expectations were too high. loved the editing. crazy about the soundtrack. actors were fantastic. beautifully shot. a poignant tale about the endless cycle of violence. the high casualty rate. the rare escapee. but somehow the sum of the parts didn't have the impact i expected. have i become that numb to violence in films? i guess i thought i'd come out of the film thoughts racing, heart pounding and all that. even so, i would absolutely watch it again.

:: small pleasures ::
:: demolished the stack of namecards that's been around since October last year - now transferred to Skulky ( temp name for Zire71 - Scully's name, Mulder's vibe)
:: found the IMDB of books yesterday. it's relatively small. but better than nothing. :)
:: bought me some stationery today. i don't know what's so great about going to the bookshop and choosing pens and highlighters. but it's fun. maybe it's the nostalgia of saving money for a week or two, just so that i can buy that eraser.
:: walking out of Borders without spending a single cent.

music, dreams, retail therapy, movies

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