(no subject)

Mar 07, 2011 20:21

Thanks to NCIS I've just introduced my parents to the Evolution of Dance, which is kinda awesome. We also watched the hippo singing 'In the Jungle' video because it's hilarious, and then my brother and I decided we needed to watch the Numa Numa guy again.

It was halfway through watching said video that I realised...Numa Numa guy kind of looks like Dave Karofsky from Glee.

Not the best pictures for comparison, I know, but I can't unsee it now. The mental image of Karofsky doing that dance is maybe one of the best things I've ever imagined, not even gonna lie.

ETA: LJ, I love you and all, but please stop hording my comment notifs. I kind of need them.

youtube, tv: ncis, tv: glee, family

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