(no subject)

Mar 06, 2011 20:41

Today has been one of Those Days. Actually, it started off okay; even though I woke up a bit before my alarm went off, I didn't feel crazy tired or anything. But then about 45 minutes before I had to leave for work I suddenly started feeling really ill - sick and a bit dizzy - and my leg was really stinging from the scratch on it (courtesy of one of my cats). So then the last thing I wanted to be doing was walking in the cold for half an hour and dealing with people all day.

I also noticed there is a chip broken off the side of my laptop. I have no idea how it happened, the only thing I can think of is that it got a bit bashed in my suitcase when I was travelling home from Leicester Thursday night. It's not that big a deal, I guess, but kind of annoying.

Work itself wasn't too bad in the end, luckily. A bit slow at times, but it's a Sunday. You kind of expect it. The best part though, without a doubt, was when I got my *~*~FREE BOOK*~*~ aw yeeaaah. There were still some left over from World Book Night so I got to take one. I chose The Killing Floor by Lee Child. I haven't read any crime fictionn in forever and I think it's time to get back into it. Although I'm not sure when I'll get a chance to read it seeing as I still have a bag full of books that I got for Christmas, not to mention some for my birthday. I really need to get back into reading and writing.

job, laptop, books

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