Dancing in the Rain, Walking to the Train

Jul 12, 2005 22:11

First of all, I would like to say that I am really glad little mantou has opened her blog which means that I have one more friend's life to poke my nose into by giving 'a bit of this' and 'a bit of that' comments on her blog. Good on you gal! I am going to be an avid reader and an ardent supporter of your blog!
*Steaming hot* site I am sure... (right mantou?) hurhur...

Is dancing the really in-thing to do nowadays? It seems that a number of my friends have been taking up dance classes, especially belly dancing. Hmm, I guess pertaining to that, I have the "prerequisite" to be a good belly dancer. Belly good dancer. Good belly. I have been trying since the beginning of this week to walk to the train station in the morning instead of taking the tram. It takes about 20 mins of brisk walking to get to the Flinders Station from my house. I was kind of thinking that being the lazy arse I am on weekends, 40 mins of brisk walking a day during weekdays is going to do some good to my health. I suppose it is winter now and really cool to walk. A tad worried about summer though. I miss my swimming sessions back home, but it is too cold to swim now even with the heating. *Brr* Erm, well, another issue is that the chlorine here is so strong it tangles my hair and chips my nails. You can smell the chlorine in the indoor swimming pool like a couple hundred of metres away... serious! I am not being a bimbo here.

Back to the topic of dancing. I took ballet for 4 years when I was still young and innocent. Prancing and frolicking merrily in that pink little dress, in the ballerina shoes with ribbons... why does that sound so nauseating... *cough* Nevermind that. Not sure what possessed me to take up ballet, but believe it or not, I was rather good at it while I was at it. Glad I did not pursue it further though. I would have struck fear into the hearts of my friends now or send shocking shivers down their spine if they have to come and watch me bouncing around on stage in a pink frock. *cring big time*

I had a rather amusing conversation with my mum just now...(loosely translated into English)
ME: You know Mee(I call my mum that)... I am walking to the train station now instead of taking a tram.
MEE: Really... what for? To lose weight ah?
ME: Yea... sort of. Wanna fit into the dress at the end of the year for kor's (my bro) wedding.
MEE: *sniggers* Getting rounder? *sniggers even more*
ME: *ignores comment* When I move to my new office which is nearer to my house, I might cycle to work to save some money.
MEE: *volume +10* So dangerous... no! Don't be a cheapskate... pay for the train!
ME: *goes into a long theory that Melbourne trains might be the next terrorist target after London attacks. Especially at the train station I go to because it is the oldest, biggest and busiest*
MEE: *serious pondering* Ya... think you better cycle to work then gal...
ME: No lah, think I will just take the train. If I am so suay, than LL lor...(OK, I did not use LL of course, just that LL summarizes everything here)
MEE: *getting slightly nervous* No lah gal, cycle to work...
ME: Don't want to now... I want to take the train.
MEE: ...

I have to admit I am rather naughty sometimes, just love to make my mum a little nervous and panicky...
I rememeber that DEE(that's my dad) and I will sometimes conspire against my mum, in a rather harmless way of course. For instance when we are walking to the car after dinner, we would always let MEE walk first because we are pretty sure she will walk in the opposite direction from where the car is parked. The two of us will then stand there and wait until my MEE realize that no one is walking next to or behind her. She will then nervously look around then spot us in a distance looking at her meaningfully. All will end well when she quickly makes her way back to where we were and follow us in the right direction towards the car. My MEE is really cute because no matter how many times this happens, she will still always walk ahead of us and in the opposite direction. So my theory is when I cannot remember where the car is, I can always be sure it is in the opposite direction from where my MEE walks. I am not being mean, I still love my MEE!

I am still waiting for my hair to dry, think I am going to read a book.
I have to file my tax returns for the end of the financial year and it is giving me a headache.

singapore, ramblings, melbourne

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