The Little Prince

Jul 09, 2005 00:01

I finished reading The Little Prince last night and enjoyed it as much as I did when I read the book many years back. I remembered that same quote catching my attention. "It is only with one's heart that one can see clearly. What is essential is invisible to the eye." I suppose there can only be two reactions to it. The ones ruled by their heart will go "Yea...".
The ones ruled by their mind will go "Yea... right."
For me, 3 words stand out clear in the quote: heart, essential, invisible
I guess some words just seem to 'pop' out from the page because you choose to read them and they evoke your thoughts.

Recently, I have been dissecting my thoughts and trying to do a self-analysis of my character and associated actions, so as to better understand myself. I have a tendency to do this subconsciously at random times when I am sitting in a train to work or back from work, walking around the city etc. At times, I try to make it a more deliberate attempt and really pull out bits and pieces of thoughts. I love to think and enjoy the pleasures derived from the process of thoughts, but most of the time I end up in utter confusion and wondering in the first place, why do I want to think so much? People have commented that I think too much most of the time, but that is the driving force which reminds me I am still very much alive. This brings me to the popularized quote from Descartes "I think, I am" Or some others have translated into "I think, therefore I exist" or "I think, therefore I am". I guess this is one of my more major attempts to dwell and ponder. It goes like this... minor thoughts, scattered thoughts, random pondering, SERIOUS THINKING, mindless thoughts, huh?, fleeting thoughts, SERIOUS THINKING and so it goes on. I am not going crazy in case you are wondering. My chain of thoughts is still flowing smoothly.

I suppose these SERIOUS THINKING results as an accumulation of all those minor episodes of thoughts triggered by my everyday action or prolonged action over a period of time. A simple event that happened will be a typical day after work last week and it goes like this.
(6.30pm, outside the train station)
Well-dressed druggie: *grinning unconvincingly* Hey... you have a dollar or two. I need the money for accomodation.
The usual ME: *truthfully* No... I do not have any money with me (not that if I have I would have given)
Well-dressed druggie: F*** off.
The unusual ME: *getting pissed that I got sweared at for nothing* NO...YOU, F*** OFF!
Partner-in-crime druggie: *ranting discriminatory racist remarks about Chinese*
The usual ME: *walks off and ignores druggies for fear of precious life although fuming inside*
(6.35pm, sitting inside tram)
The usual ME: *thinking* I guess I did the right thing by walking away because you never know what these people can do to you, but BOY am I glad I had a go at that B**** before walking off. Cheap thrill but I am not going to stand there and get sweared at for no apparent reason.

I suppose I do not believe in getting trampled on for no apparent reason and would always stand up for what I think should be. However, the usual rational me would just have walked off without having a go at that druggie because 1) her consequential actions in reply to my response would be unpredictable and 2) there are a lot of people walking around and I do not want to create a scene, but I do not know why I vocalized my thoughts at that moment.Am I getting dangerously expressive and more assertive in standing up for myself... think I might get my life endangered one of these days. *Yelp* Dr Phil!
Anyway, of course this is one of the little triggers that starts me thinking a little on whether I am behaving differently from who I was a month ago or a week ago. There are of course the more major issues that are swirling in my mind and not really opened for blogging because of other parties involved in this tasteless cocktail concocting in my diluting brain juice. I have to concentrate! Okie... that line was written as a bad pun.

I have spent some time on this entry already and it is time to stop dictating my thoughts in words.
I am going to dream. Although it seems like a paradox, but dreams are where your thoughts "materialize". At least for me. I see my thoughts in my dreams. Full-coloured. Graphical. 3-dimensional and reasonable resolution. Sweet dreams dearies =)

thoughts, melbourne

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