Demily fic... Forbidden fruit, forbidden love part 2

Apr 09, 2010 21:25

I'm glad  you enjoyed 1st part:)


From actor's diary...

Tell me, is this a sin to love someone and be happy?
I wonder what tempted me into writing this note. Man in his forties with luggage of experience, wife and two kids. As they say, 'happily ever after'. But my happiness met me way too late. But it was so baeutiful, I must write it down. Because despite its beauty, it has to be concealed from whole world...
I remember seeing her for the first time.
First thing I thought was 'Cute, but pretty boring'. She was nice, yes, but not riveting. I guess I was more interested in crazy Michaela. Em was sweet from the very beginning, but so quiet and lost. She was SO modest, she didn't look down on anybody...
What made me change my opinion about her? What made me so in love with her?
It was just a few moments after we had met for the first time, They gave us roles to play and didn't say a word, just short 'Do it.'
The scene on the range, our first joint one was beginning of my feeling. Emily seduced me, played with me, she came into my soul. And I let her. With every next scene I was ready to do anything she asks for. She was amazing, she did her best for role, trifled with the character, what was hilarious. She gave her innocence to stiff anthropologist, which was something that turned me on SO MUCH about her.
Days I had spent with her changed me internally. I felt with her... Oh boy, I begged for another minute. She was becoming someone, who I woke up in the morning and ran to plan for. Nobody affected me in this way. Even Sarah, my partner for ages, which I had spent great time with. But it was different. Emily was a riddle to me and challenge at the same time. Initially I tried to put her off the role, but I knew she was born to play it. With every next day and month, a bond between us was growing stronger. The bond nobody understood, even me. Neither did Emily. She conquered me unwittingly, so delicate, so subtle, feminine in every meaning with her seducing voice. I don't know how she did that, it wasn't a dalliance, but somehow she made my heart beat faster every time I saw her.
Slowly, a friendship stronger than any I had before, connected us. I told her about everything that made me laugh, she was my shoulder to cry on. She listened, as nobody did before. She was there, when I was angry, especially on the plan. We understood each other without words. We could just last in silence, words were redundant. The only important thing was us. It was so beautiful, but gentle. I missed the moment I felt something more and believe me, it wasn't a liking. It got at me quickly, that she's more than just a colleague, a friend. She was someone I needed. And I was lost. I have wife that I love, son, daughter was born not so long ago, and... It wasn't that. My affection to Emily was more than desire. I wanted her for me, just for me. When she was away, I was going mad.
I didn't show that, of course. It was all tearing me inside. When she was close, I was happy. There was nothing, but us. I started talking to her more boldly, which was so confusing to her. I know, it could be seen when I only got closer to her, when I grabbed her hand or gave a hug. She fought with this new born feeling. But I didn't make it easier for her, I even encouraged her not to do it. When she was blushed about my presence, closeness, I wanted her even more. I wanted to hide her in my arms and whisper right into her ear 'Don't worry, baby. Everything will be fine, I'm here.' But I couldn't. I was with someone, she was alone, which surprised me or even hurt. But it was stronger. I only dreamed about tasting her lips, that lifted me SO much. In show? We could only dream. So I started working on my own. I tried, but I never succeed. I often couldn't control myself not to feel the taste of her lips, even if we weren't alone, during interviews, when they asked about us, it was way stronger. When she repeated 'He tries to kiss me again, see? He tries to kiss me again.', I wanted to get out of there and take her into my arms. But I wasn't courageous enough. She always smiled and her smile was bliss to me.
When I had read Christmas episode, I almost went crazy. I was jumping so high, I was looking forward to it like child waiting for Santa. Friendly kiss, some may say, but I couldn't cool myself down. I almost crushed her lips, I couldn't draw back. It was pleasant, nice, kiss was to be gentle, but it was full of desire, passion, vehemence. I couldn't draw back. She kisses me holding my suit, which turned me on SO much. We were so busy with each other that we didn't hear 'Cut', 'Stop'. After a moment Emily awoke. She was ashamed, I saw it in her eyes.
It changed everything between us, kiss wiped out the line that was there. Nothing was the same. We both suffered because we couldn't meet outside the shooting plan. Leave out all the rest and just be...
I remember the day when she came to us. Jaime had planned dinner with her cousin. She said 'Maybe they'll like each other, maybe some chemistry will appear.' I didn't realise it was her plan of separating us. She knew there was something between Em and me. She knew it perfectly. Newspapers, interviews, scenes on youtube, paparazzi photos... It came up to her.
Dinner was fine, but tasteless to me. I had picture of my Emily in my head, while she was being picked up by this guy. I was boiling inside, but I didn't show anything.
Next day she was stand-offish to me. I didn't know why. Has she changed within few hours? I couldn't believe that. We did meet, but it wasn't the same.
She hurt me with her coldness, she rejected me and I didn't know why.I kept on thinking what did I do wrong...
And then I understood... She felt pain seeing me with wife, she met David and she looked up to him to forget... I was upset...
Days passed and we were growing apart. Friendship stayed, but... Emily didn't manage. It was too much for her. She was unhappy and so was I.
We suffered in silence. All chemistry vanished, even in series. But some day...


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