Demily fic... Forbidden fruit, forbidden love part 1

Apr 07, 2010 21:42

I hope you like it. It was written in Polish, but I hope in English hasn't change the sense of it. Enjoy:) Feel free to comment:)

The story about forbidden love, which doesn’t have a chance, because it would hurt a lot of people…


From the actress’s diary…

Have you ever been in love so much that you forgot about all and all?
As far as I remember, from very first day I saw him, my heart was beating as mad. It's funny, I know, I'm not the youngest, I've been through so much and on some guy's view softened my knees. I had never met anybody like him before.
Beginnings of our acquaintance weren't the best, but slowly, step by step we were changing our attitude to each other. At first we were just colleagues. We had private life, inaccessible for another one. As actor you can separate work and private life, and so we did. We were 'colleagues' from the plan. Few sentences told on the run and we were back to the scene we had to shoot. There was invisible line, like in the show, which divided our worlds. I was after few relationships, but I hadn't found what I was looking for in any of them. I was running away in fleeting relationships, not to think of anything, just have fun... I wasn't mature enough for love. I didn't desire anybody, his closeness, just presence.
Maybe I hadn't found it in anybody and that's why I stopped searching. What for, if it doesn't exist?
I knew happy in love and those less beaming. I knew couples for whom relationship was a habit or duty called child. Wine, singing, shared night and BANG, pregnancy a few days later and then wedding, because it should be like that. That's why I lost faith in feeling clean as tear, that fills you from head to toe...
Days on plan were getting longer, the show was liked more and more, we had more rehearsals. Every day our relations were changing, becoming stronger. There was a bond between us. As between everybody, I guess, but this one was something deeper. This all chemistry, which was to connect main characters, was given to us.
We saw each other outside shooting plan oftener and oftener. Something was pulling us to each other, some kind of force was like a magnet to attract us. It was attraction and desire at the beginning, but it never had been love. I was wondering whether I would find someone who will love me one day. And I will love him back...
And such person appeared, despite nothing showed that hot and sincere feeling will connect us. Day by day we were getting to know each other, parties connected with show promotion (and not only) were perfect opportunity for making our relation closer and more intimate. The better you know other one, the better your cooporation is, isn't it? And it was so. Every day I found out more about him. Guy's appearance was never import_ant for me, but when I saw him and his chocolate eyes... Something inside me burst.
I don't remember how it happened that I had fallen in love with him SO much. I desired his closeness, every glance caused creeps. Every touch, every fusion of hands made me shiver. However, I couldn't show that it affects me so strong. I mean, he's married with kid, I'm with next boyfriend. It's impossible - I thought. But I noticed, I'm not indifferent to him. He looks at me in different way, smiles, hugs and it's not pat of chatting me up. I wonder what does it mean. He says it's something amazing, but he can't understand neither his feelings nor desire.
I try to stop myself, but it's so tough, especially after yesterday kiss, that had made my legs as weak as cotton wool. We were shooting the scene and BANG he approached his lips to mine, making a nice mark there. I gave it back and I felt heat spreading on my body. Whole crew was walled up. They have seen this chemistry between us for some time. They keep on saying it affects characters in a good way, making spectators' curiosity even bigger.
They thought we were faking and they were wrong. It wasn't our series any more, it was reality of feelings we had. Days, months, even years passed... Memorable scene under mistletoe...
We probably overacted, because they couldn't separate us... Well, our lips wanted this and finally got it.
Show with next season received acclaim and crowds of fans, who would like to see Booth and Bones together. And us, Emily and David, even more. And so did we...
However, there were some dark clouds above us. David's wife began to come to plan oftener to check on us. She had never said it straight on, but she gave us a feeling of that, especially to me.
I remember us shooting final of 4th season today. She had appeared out of the blue and whole magic of scene in bed disappeared. Scene, I was afraid of, but somewhere deep inside I wanted so badly it almost hurt and I wasn't alone in this desire...
Fans didn't notice that. They were pissed off that it was a dream, not real as Hart had promised. We've been hiding since then. But one day...
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