Questions Meme

Jun 05, 2011 13:57

"ASK A QUESTION it can be anything CFUD related, OOC, IC, Relationship, psychology, thoughts, whatever. I.E. My character's opinion of your character or maybe what you have been wondering about this behavior or that, or general thoughts on my characters or canons or what, who I might consider topping you into apping, etc ( Read more... )


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healingcock June 6 2011, 02:17:02 UTC
How are Mika's coping mechanisms at the moment, now that Rabi's left Camp? How's he going to deal with it?

(ps I play Raphael/Naoto Shirogane/Robin Sena/Claire Stanfield/Sync/GLaDOS)


hoppy_ending June 6 2011, 02:26:19 UTC
...He'll handle it better than he handled Chizu-nee leaving. Not because he cares less about Rabi, of course, but he just has more practice and maturity now. So, he's better at dealing. Still hates it, but not gonna burn down camp. It came at a bad time though because Shika has been missing for two weeks and he is NOT in camp period. Soooo double stress since he knows either Hatter or Rhode probably have him. At the same time though it's a good distraction at least? He's going to be pretty vulnerable for once because he's coping like a normal person and being honest to himself about it and GONNA CRY LIKE A BITCH AND FEEL SO BAD ABOUT CRYING LIKE A GIRL BUT FFFFF. My REAL brother ;;

That said, did Robin ever get the Gae Blog out of her?


pieta_au_lait June 6 2011, 02:32:54 UTC
Nope! It's still totally chilling in the back of her head, being a tsundere and giving Methuselah dirty looks.

How about George and Yuki leaving? I feel like George's coping mechanisms are probably less healthy than Mika's.


ohno_u_didnt June 6 2011, 02:34:19 UTC


solipsismmortal June 6 2011, 02:37:34 UTC
We should talk.


thedandymancan June 6 2011, 02:42:03 UTC
I am going to run you over with my car, reverse, repeat...reverserepeatreverserepeatreverserepeat.


ohno_u_didnt June 6 2011, 02:41:02 UTC
They haven't drop threaded yet, so I don't really know how that goes down, though I have a pretty good idea how it will play out. The timing is hilaribad because Spit just bluescreen died on him and he hasn't popped back when this usually only lasts a week and....FEELINGS ( ... )


ionic_bond June 6 2011, 02:50:39 UTC
Oh George. ☻

HARD TO SAY, REALLY. He likes to switch things up a lot, but I can safely say he gets up at 5 am every morning and does a spectacularly complicated and dangerous exercise routine (he and Lloyd are building an obstacle course, so he may work on that). He definitely spends a significant amount of time spying on people he knows without their knowledge. Sigh. When he's not doing that, odds are he is in someone's personal bubble.

What would your characters do if the sex ban were lifted for one day?


hoppy_ending June 6 2011, 03:08:10 UTC
Nakatsu doesn't have a huge sex drive. Doesn't faint anymore and actually enjoys it, but isn't big on it. Up to him? He an Pell would make love once or twice. In reality? He loves Pell so much that he would indulge he's Wraeththu boyfriend's insanely pent up frustration and have hot, sweaty marathon sex all day.

Michael Be a possessive bitch and have really intense sex with Shika with lots of marking. Vacation sex was good, would like a few repeats. Interrupt Raph's sex for the lulz once during the day.

Tsuna Nothing. Virgin McVirgin whose boyfriends and girlfriends are back home. If they weren't? Yamamoto might be able to top him into it, but wouldn't initiate it himself.

George If Yuki were still here? Sex all day. Yuki is not here....So he would try really, really hard to be a good boyfriend and not have vindictive sex with his friends and some strangers to shut down the part of himself that feels things and hurt Yuki. Avoid Spitfire. Talking to Spit would be dangerous.

Ohno Think about her favorite couplings and cheer them on ( ... )


miacarascienza June 6 2011, 03:51:46 UTC
Hmmmm. I play/have played a lot of "crazy" characters, but the levels of sanity vary drastically. Part of it comes down to how well they function in everyday situations despite their mentality, and part of it depends on how that mentality can be compared to psychologically rational ways of thinking. Of course, sometimes even irrational characters aren't considered irrational by their society's standards, or function evenly in society, but are considered irrational by our standards or don't function in Camp. In that sense, it's probably either Claire, Robin, or GLaDOS ( ... )


hoppy_ending June 6 2011, 04:54:28 UTC
Let's see.... Mine will be much lazier than yours because thinking too hard is impossible right now.

There are three groups basically.

Undoubtedly sane (albeit a little weird): Nakatsu, Tsuna and Ohno
Questionable at times: Ebi, Momiji and Gau
Come on down to crazy town: Michael, George and Nana ( ... )


hoppy_ending June 6 2011, 04:54:48 UTC
Nana: Was abandoned as a child. She was raised by a really strict grandmother who basically told her she would grow up to be just like her mother (a slutty failure, basically). Kids in her class didn't like her and would do things like blame her for the class pets all dying at the same time. She grew up feeling unwanted and like an outcast, she made no effort to make friends and kept to herself. She clung to a sense of pride she built up for herself though, so while she had nothing else, at least she would have that. Nobu was the first person to befriend her and get her into music and to start to open her up... She met and feel in love with Ren when Nobu had her join their band. For the first time in her life Nana was really happy and then she was abandoned again. Ren was leaving for Tokyo, he was breaking up the band and forced her to choose between her love of singing and her love for him. Her pride wouldn't allow her to give up her dream and follow him like a puppy so she chose singing. Eventually she did move to Tokyo by herself. ( ... )


ionic_bond June 6 2011, 05:13:41 UTC
Sync is a tough case because of how unrelentingly abrasive he is. He really just does not like people. It's hard to get through to him on anything-- I like playing him off of opposite-personality types (like Vanya), but he's vicious to anything he perceives as weak, so it would have to be a character that can take verbal abuse and not let it get to them for it to be an interesting relationship. Ebi, perhaps? There's also the possibility of Mika, who he might like to fight with.

GLaDOS... hmmm. I DON'T WANT TO END UP THROWING ALL MY MURDEROUS CHARACTERS AT GEORGE, but they would make the most bizarre pair. Or Ohno, for possible hilarious fandom interaction. Or hell, even Momiji. Momiji has a thing about being totally untouched around unsafe characters, I think.

What are Gau's opinions on Camp, and the people around Raikou?


hoppy_ending June 6 2011, 05:29:42 UTC
Hey, hey GLaDOS! Listen to my violin ( ... )


pieta_au_lait June 6 2011, 05:40:10 UTC
Raphael has his desire for love and to be loved on all different levels. Naoto is always searching for the truth, but always wants to be needed. Robin's purpose is to help others to the best of her abilities, and Claire's desire is to experience life to the fullest.

GLaDOS's driving emotion... is science. 8)

How is the Nakatsu/Pell situation right now?


hoppy_ending June 6 2011, 06:04:44 UTC
It's better. Pell is not a kitten anymore and has moved back into the cabin. Nakatsu is able to sleep and eat and practice again and not crushed by guilt. Doesn't feel negative towards Pell for sexing someone else because he figures that was his own fault. But....while he does love Pell and is still totally in love with Pell, he doesn't want to rush into giving Pell the ring back or trying to go totally back to normal too soon. He doesn't know what to do to fix them, but...he's trying. Not 100% but they are doing somewhat better at least.

What about Naoto's love life? Anything new?


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