Questions Meme

Jun 05, 2011 13:57

"ASK A QUESTION it can be anything CFUD related, OOC, IC, Relationship, psychology, thoughts, whatever. I.E. My character's opinion of your character or maybe what you have been wondering about this behavior or that, or general thoughts on my characters or canons or what, who I might consider topping you into apping, etc ( Read more... )


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hoppy_ending June 6 2011, 03:08:10 UTC
Nakatsu doesn't have a huge sex drive. Doesn't faint anymore and actually enjoys it, but isn't big on it. Up to him? He an Pell would make love once or twice. In reality? He loves Pell so much that he would indulge he's Wraeththu boyfriend's insanely pent up frustration and have hot, sweaty marathon sex all day.

Michael Be a possessive bitch and have really intense sex with Shika with lots of marking. Vacation sex was good, would like a few repeats. Interrupt Raph's sex for the lulz once during the day.

Tsuna Nothing. Virgin McVirgin whose boyfriends and girlfriends are back home. If they weren't? Yamamoto might be able to top him into it, but wouldn't initiate it himself.

George If Yuki were still here? Sex all day. Yuki is not here....So he would try really, really hard to be a good boyfriend and not have vindictive sex with his friends and some strangers to shut down the part of himself that feels things and hurt Yuki. Avoid Spitfire. Talking to Spit would be dangerous.

Ohno Think about her favorite couplings and cheer them on, but other than that? Nothing :|a

Nana REN ISNT HERE, so nothing. Take a bath? Try not to think about how creepy it is that EVERYONE is doing it. Drink.

Ebi Eat candy? Watch Funny Face :|a Offer advice to those in need.

Momiji ...

Gau Protect Raikou's virtue/have his virtue protected. Be creeped out and unable to look people in the eye? WORK ON THINGS DISTRACTIONS ARE GOOD AUGH People are gross and perverted.

Which one is your craziest character and why?


miacarascienza June 6 2011, 03:51:46 UTC
Hmmmm. I play/have played a lot of "crazy" characters, but the levels of sanity vary drastically. Part of it comes down to how well they function in everyday situations despite their mentality, and part of it depends on how that mentality can be compared to psychologically rational ways of thinking. Of course, sometimes even irrational characters aren't considered irrational by their society's standards, or function evenly in society, but are considered irrational by our standards or don't function in Camp. In that sense, it's probably either Claire, Robin, or GLaDOS.

Claire's level of sanity is actually at an even level on the surface: he's grounded, he's friendly, he has actual feelings for people, and he doesn't appear to suffer from any psychological disorders that effect his everyday life. He may be rather talkative and ignore your personal bubble from time to time, but those can be chalked up to personality quirks. What it really comes down to is Claire's individual morality: of all my characters, his is the most warped and difficult to comprehend. He considers murder and torture morally reprehensible, but actively engages in them and is not ashamed to admit that he enjoys them. So he knows that he's not a virtuous person by any means, but doesn't strive to be one in that sense. He has friends and family and loved ones that he truly, genuinely cares about-- but can also discard life as easily as snapping your fingers. He values good people, but what constitutes "good" is entirely his decision. The real kicker is the fact that he is a complete solipsist, which is actually a pretty difficult thing to be, considering how much evidence there is against that point of view. Claire 100% believes that he is the center of the universe and absolutely nothing can shake that foundation. A philosophy primarily used to test the validity of more viable philosophies defines Claire's entire being. That loses him a lot of sanity points.

Robin has regular hallucinations that stem from the soul(s) that may/may not be currently residing inside her psyche. Many of the hallucinations manifest from her own disjointed memories, as well as her guilt of being responsible for the deaths of innocent people. I suspect that her mild empathic/psychic abilities also cause stress on her mental state that in turn effects the frequency and intensity of her hallucinations. She manages to function pretty well most of the time, but she is the least grounded of my characters-- Robin does leave reality from time to time.

GLaDOS is a sociopath. She has no moral compass. Her programming actually inhibits the possession of a conscience (spoilers: although this changes briefly during Portal 2 with the recovery of her Caroline persona). In fact, on the wiki page for dissocial personality disorder, GLaDOS is characterized by every single one of the criteria:

1. Callous unconcern for the feelings of others and lack of the capacity for empathy.
2. Gross and persistent attitude of irresponsibility and disregard for social norms, rules, and obligations.
3. Incapacity to maintain enduring relationships.
4. Very low tolerance to frustration and a low threshold for discharge of aggression, including violence.
5. Incapacity to experience guilt and to profit from experience, particularly punishment.
6. Markedly prone to blame others or to offer plausible rationalizations for the behavior bringing the subject into conflict.
7. Persistent irritability.

Of course, applying psychological disorder criteria to an artificial being is missing the mark a little because her personality was not developed through learning social norms at a young age, but (spoilers: since GLaDOS's personality construct was modeled after a living human woman,) it still paints a picture of an individual who lacks societal function, morality, or empathy. However, she is totally self-aware. She just can't be bothered to care, because guilt is boring.

SAME QUESTION TO YOU because this is fascinating stuff to me.


hoppy_ending June 6 2011, 04:54:28 UTC
Let's see.... Mine will be much lazier than yours because thinking too hard is impossible right now.

There are three groups basically.

Undoubtedly sane (albeit a little weird): Nakatsu, Tsuna and Ohno
Questionable at times: Ebi, Momiji and Gau
Come on down to crazy town: Michael, George and Nana

Group one talk to themselves, exhibit odd behaviors at times, have varying levels of social awkwardness, but...overall? They're pretty normal upstairs! Eccentric, but sane.

Group two is made up of people who are probably the sanest in their respective series, but who have some switch in them that is shorted a little. For example, Gau goes too far sometimes when following his sense of justice or Raikou. He takes it to levels that aren't healthy. So, while the lights maybe aren't all on, they're home and probably giving your character advice.

GROUP ONE AND TWO ARE SANE. Being eccentric or having one thing that pushes them a little past healthy doesn't make them insane.

Group three however...

Michael: You know his issues so I won't go too indepth. Essentially he has similar issues as Nana (pride, abandonement, sociopathy, etc) but to much more severe degrees with a bunch of other issues tossed in. TO BE FAIR: He has changed a lot in camp, mellowed out and matured and come to terms with a number of his issues (come to term...ish anyways). Issues aside though, there is another level of crazy. When Ticky tore his wing some of the rot got to his brain so when things get to be too much to cope with he pretty much snaps and becomes another person, a pre-camp version of himself except more sadistic even. The extreme ones aside, there are still day to day issues he doesn't see as much cause for concern when he should. The fact the he is untrusting and closed off to new people, his inability to let people in without a fight, the risks he takes with his own safety, his views on violence, his sadistic streaks....e-etc.

George: Special boy. Was born the bastard child of a super model and a CEO. His mother was an alcoholic who verbally abused the shit out of him and raised him in the world of fashion around eccentric personalities. She would blame him every day for ruining her dream and had him call her by her first name, refusing to be acknowledged as a mother. As soon as she could she moved George into an empty apartment above hers so she wouldn't have to look at him or take care of him. He was living on his own/taking care of himself by age six. By this point he was also turning his hair blue and putting in blue contacts. He was also exactly the same in personality as he is now, a sociopath who only interacts on a superficial/surface level and who does what he wants and only what he wants no matter how his actions effect others. By six he was already sewing dresses and teaching his school friend Daisuke to accept that he was actually a she trapped in a boy's body and making dresses for said friend (who grew up to be Isabella). Despite not seeing anything wrong with the messed up person he is, he used to refuse to sleep with people he actually cared about (until Yuki). He would sleep with anyone else though as long as they were attractive enough. Man, woman, old, young, teacher, co-worker, you name it. But he would not date anyone (until Yukari). He was a person with no conscience and lots of money at his disposal. Doesn't live in the real world, does things to constantly sabotage himself, etc. Not to mention his honest emotions are fucked up. When he's content he bursts into hysterical, uncontrollable laughter. When he's hurt, he's really calm and nonchallant. Etc. So, yeah, fucked up to the core six ways from Sunday. I could go on forever about him but I'm tired.


hoppy_ending June 6 2011, 04:54:48 UTC
Nana: Was abandoned as a child. She was raised by a really strict grandmother who basically told her she would grow up to be just like her mother (a slutty failure, basically). Kids in her class didn't like her and would do things like blame her for the class pets all dying at the same time. She grew up feeling unwanted and like an outcast, she made no effort to make friends and kept to herself. She clung to a sense of pride she built up for herself though, so while she had nothing else, at least she would have that. Nobu was the first person to befriend her and get her into music and to start to open her up... She met and feel in love with Ren when Nobu had her join their band. For the first time in her life Nana was really happy and then she was abandoned again. Ren was leaving for Tokyo, he was breaking up the band and forced her to choose between her love of singing and her love for him. Her pride wouldn't allow her to give up her dream and follow him like a puppy so she chose singing. Eventually she did move to Tokyo by herself. This was like starting over, she had no intentions of letting anyone in again. And then she met Hachi. Hachi, more than anyone else, was hers. Hachi adored her and made her feel wanted and loved and secure. Hachi would come running to her and rely on her and it was nice. So while the crazy had history, this is where it finally started to fully bloom. Nana could no longer allow what was hers to be taken from her and went to desperate and crazy levels to try and ensure what and who was hers stayed hers. She has breathing fits, bouts of amnesia, sabotage, etc when faced with situations she can't deal with. Her problems are agitated by the constant battle between happiness and pride that wages on inside her and her desperate clinging to pride and Hachi are what make her life so damn miserable. At points she even goes so far as to demand Nobu tells Hachi that the child she is pregnant with by another man is actually his own so that Hachi will not move out of the apartment and away from where Nana can have her to herself, basically. Nana is the queen of unhealthy relationships, her relationship with singing, Ren and Hachi being the forerunners of crazy town. She would kill herself if she couldn't sing. She would let Ren kill her (has allowed him to strangle her to the point of blacking out twice even when he has admitted to wanting to kill her sometimes). She would do ANYTHING to keep Hachi bound to her. So recap: Amnesia, doing things while mentally blacked out, breathing fits, severely unhealthy relationships, clinging, plotting, sabotage, etc all in an attempt to never be abandoned but not have to surrender her pride.

MICHAEL is probably the most obviously crazy. Not to mention he has multiple types and levels and history of crazy. The fact that he's getting better and the fact that he is upfront with and doesn't try to hide his crazy sets him apart from the other two for the better.

GEORGE is crazy in normal(?!) human ways, but under the surface and good at hiding it from most. Despite appearances, there is something seriously and fundamentally wrong with just how his mind and emotions work and where they connect and shut down etc. How and what he feels is screwed up. Is aware there is something wrong with him...doesn't see anything wrong with it or try to fix it EXCEPT where Yuki is concerned.

Nana is actually CRAZIER since she came to camp, but...still can't touch those two.

Who should I toss at Sync and GLaDOS? Also, your characters and their views on what "family" is and its importance etc.


ionic_bond June 6 2011, 05:13:41 UTC
Sync is a tough case because of how unrelentingly abrasive he is. He really just does not like people. It's hard to get through to him on anything-- I like playing him off of opposite-personality types (like Vanya), but he's vicious to anything he perceives as weak, so it would have to be a character that can take verbal abuse and not let it get to them for it to be an interesting relationship. Ebi, perhaps? There's also the possibility of Mika, who he might like to fight with.

GLaDOS... hmmm. I DON'T WANT TO END UP THROWING ALL MY MURDEROUS CHARACTERS AT GEORGE, but they would make the most bizarre pair. Or Ohno, for possible hilarious fandom interaction. Or hell, even Momiji. Momiji has a thing about being totally untouched around unsafe characters, I think.

What are Gau's opinions on Camp, and the people around Raikou?


hoppy_ending June 6 2011, 05:29:42 UTC
Hey, hey GLaDOS! Listen to my violin~!

Though yes, George would also be...amazing. George is amazing with everyone by virtue of NOT CARING what anyone thinks or says. just trying to view camp as kind of a vacation. Luckily there is proof that time flows differently back home or this would not be good. He's really jealous of all the people around Raikou. They know the camp Raikou that he knows nothing about. The fact that there are YEARS of Raikou's life he was not around for and knows nothing really painful to him. He failed Raikou. Worse yet, he was apparently here and then left! Left Raikou here alone! And then had the audacity to FORGET. He's feeling a lot of guilt and jealousy, though he is glad that Raikou has had time to take a small vacation. Though it isn't much of one it seems... Raikou is here, time isn't he doesn't MIND being here. There are some weird people and events, but that's not much different from home. The one thing that really makes him uncomfortable though is how much he's enjoying running the tea shop and being normal and worry free. That and perverts.

Your characters and the main emotion or desire that drives them.


pieta_au_lait June 6 2011, 05:40:10 UTC
Raphael has his desire for love and to be loved on all different levels. Naoto is always searching for the truth, but always wants to be needed. Robin's purpose is to help others to the best of her abilities, and Claire's desire is to experience life to the fullest.

GLaDOS's driving emotion... is science. 8)

How is the Nakatsu/Pell situation right now?


hoppy_ending June 6 2011, 06:04:44 UTC
It's better. Pell is not a kitten anymore and has moved back into the cabin. Nakatsu is able to sleep and eat and practice again and not crushed by guilt. Doesn't feel negative towards Pell for sexing someone else because he figures that was his own fault. But....while he does love Pell and is still totally in love with Pell, he doesn't want to rush into giving Pell the ring back or trying to go totally back to normal too soon. He doesn't know what to do to fix them, but...he's trying. Not 100% but they are doing somewhat better at least.

What about Naoto's love life? Anything new?


hardlyboy June 6 2011, 06:10:03 UTC
Nothing super new. She and Judith are still seeing each other and are on good terms, although they did clash recently when Judith de-aged. Still waiting to see how that will pan out. At the Crossdresser's Ball, Judith and Naoto finally came out about wanting to have sex, so it's entirely possible that Naoto's next vacation may be a little more exciting in the future, but also possibly not because Naoto is first and foremost married to her job, lolsob. I foresee some complicated feelings in Naoto's future, ones she will be deeply conflicted over, but that will depend on various outside factors. Right now though, things are pretty smooth.

Top 5 most important people in Camp for your characters: go.


hoppy_ending June 6 2011, 06:22:53 UTC
In camp? Mmmm...

Nakatsu-Pell/Taiki/Miharu/Taiga/Zex(only because he's so important to one of his most important people)


Tsuna-Lancia/Byakuran(because he's such an important enemy)/everyone because he's a jesus (He's been staying in and sulking or out training and not meeting new people since his famiglia dropped, but is finally doing better)

George- Doesn't like the idea of having "important" people, even negative ones....can't deny he cares for Spitfire, has a soft spot for Ion, is terrified of Claire, has an odd fascination with Akito and adores Himawari we have all day? No, seriously.

Nana- Eiri, Timothy, Vanya, Shuichi, Hiro AND THE NUN SIX I GET SIX

Ebi- Zero, Parker, Violet, Mayuko, Umeda and Jesse. Ebi gets six :|||

Momiji- Oh god....Akito/Shigure/Ryuichi/Hatter/+all his friends ;;

Gau- Raikou, Miharu, Yoi-te, Yukimi, Raimei and sure, Four-eyes. +Anyone important to Raikou :||||

Back at you


hardlyboy June 6 2011, 06:40:35 UTC
1. Raikou
2. David
3. Mika
4. Itachi
5. Axel

1. Chie
2. Judith
3. Raven
4. Jennifer
5. Momiji

1. Sam
2. Nana
3. Sera
4. Elliot

1. Chane
2. Lloyd
3. Yuki Shirakawa
4. Machika
5. Katherine

1. n... no.
5. Van? Yeah, probably Van.

1. Science.
2. Science.
3. Science.
4. Science.
5. Science.

Totally running out of questions.


hoppy_ending June 6 2011, 06:45:33 UTC

PS Naoto come to my teaparty its' ttly full of safe guests.


hardlyboy June 6 2011, 06:51:14 UTC
... s... sure...


hoppy_ending June 6 2011, 06:52:04 UTC


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