Questions Meme

Jun 05, 2011 13:57

"ASK A QUESTION it can be anything CFUD related, OOC, IC, Relationship, psychology, thoughts, whatever. I.E. My character's opinion of your character or maybe what you have been wondering about this behavior or that, or general thoughts on my characters or canons or what, who I might consider topping you into apping, etc ( Read more... )


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hoppy_ending June 6 2011, 05:29:42 UTC
Hey, hey GLaDOS! Listen to my violin~!

Though yes, George would also be...amazing. George is amazing with everyone by virtue of NOT CARING what anyone thinks or says. just trying to view camp as kind of a vacation. Luckily there is proof that time flows differently back home or this would not be good. He's really jealous of all the people around Raikou. They know the camp Raikou that he knows nothing about. The fact that there are YEARS of Raikou's life he was not around for and knows nothing really painful to him. He failed Raikou. Worse yet, he was apparently here and then left! Left Raikou here alone! And then had the audacity to FORGET. He's feeling a lot of guilt and jealousy, though he is glad that Raikou has had time to take a small vacation. Though it isn't much of one it seems... Raikou is here, time isn't he doesn't MIND being here. There are some weird people and events, but that's not much different from home. The one thing that really makes him uncomfortable though is how much he's enjoying running the tea shop and being normal and worry free. That and perverts.

Your characters and the main emotion or desire that drives them.


pieta_au_lait June 6 2011, 05:40:10 UTC
Raphael has his desire for love and to be loved on all different levels. Naoto is always searching for the truth, but always wants to be needed. Robin's purpose is to help others to the best of her abilities, and Claire's desire is to experience life to the fullest.

GLaDOS's driving emotion... is science. 8)

How is the Nakatsu/Pell situation right now?


hoppy_ending June 6 2011, 06:04:44 UTC
It's better. Pell is not a kitten anymore and has moved back into the cabin. Nakatsu is able to sleep and eat and practice again and not crushed by guilt. Doesn't feel negative towards Pell for sexing someone else because he figures that was his own fault. But....while he does love Pell and is still totally in love with Pell, he doesn't want to rush into giving Pell the ring back or trying to go totally back to normal too soon. He doesn't know what to do to fix them, but...he's trying. Not 100% but they are doing somewhat better at least.

What about Naoto's love life? Anything new?


hardlyboy June 6 2011, 06:10:03 UTC
Nothing super new. She and Judith are still seeing each other and are on good terms, although they did clash recently when Judith de-aged. Still waiting to see how that will pan out. At the Crossdresser's Ball, Judith and Naoto finally came out about wanting to have sex, so it's entirely possible that Naoto's next vacation may be a little more exciting in the future, but also possibly not because Naoto is first and foremost married to her job, lolsob. I foresee some complicated feelings in Naoto's future, ones she will be deeply conflicted over, but that will depend on various outside factors. Right now though, things are pretty smooth.

Top 5 most important people in Camp for your characters: go.


hoppy_ending June 6 2011, 06:22:53 UTC
In camp? Mmmm...

Nakatsu-Pell/Taiki/Miharu/Taiga/Zex(only because he's so important to one of his most important people)


Tsuna-Lancia/Byakuran(because he's such an important enemy)/everyone because he's a jesus (He's been staying in and sulking or out training and not meeting new people since his famiglia dropped, but is finally doing better)

George- Doesn't like the idea of having "important" people, even negative ones....can't deny he cares for Spitfire, has a soft spot for Ion, is terrified of Claire, has an odd fascination with Akito and adores Himawari we have all day? No, seriously.

Nana- Eiri, Timothy, Vanya, Shuichi, Hiro AND THE NUN SIX I GET SIX

Ebi- Zero, Parker, Violet, Mayuko, Umeda and Jesse. Ebi gets six :|||

Momiji- Oh god....Akito/Shigure/Ryuichi/Hatter/+all his friends ;;

Gau- Raikou, Miharu, Yoi-te, Yukimi, Raimei and sure, Four-eyes. +Anyone important to Raikou :||||

Back at you


hardlyboy June 6 2011, 06:40:35 UTC
1. Raikou
2. David
3. Mika
4. Itachi
5. Axel

1. Chie
2. Judith
3. Raven
4. Jennifer
5. Momiji

1. Sam
2. Nana
3. Sera
4. Elliot

1. Chane
2. Lloyd
3. Yuki Shirakawa
4. Machika
5. Katherine

1. n... no.
5. Van? Yeah, probably Van.

1. Science.
2. Science.
3. Science.
4. Science.
5. Science.

Totally running out of questions.


hoppy_ending June 6 2011, 06:45:33 UTC

PS Naoto come to my teaparty its' ttly full of safe guests.


hardlyboy June 6 2011, 06:51:14 UTC
... s... sure...


hoppy_ending June 6 2011, 06:52:04 UTC


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