Sebastian At 6 Months

Apr 17, 2009 16:26

Man, my kid is rad.  I think it took a solid 4 months for us to really understand Sebastian's personality.  It might be a function of being 5 weeks preemie and the fact that their little nervous systems are under-developed so preemies trend toward being a little more fussy.  But Sebastian's personality has really bloomed and we have such a laid back, smiley, content little man.

Case in point:  He has been sicker than a dog thanks to germy daycare.  Two weeks ago he came down with a typical head cold that has turned into the worst cough I've ever heard in such a little human being.  You would think he wouldn't being feeling himself, right?  He is soooo smiley, flirty and giggly I can't believe it!  Sure he might whimper a little bit here and there but that's it!!  My husband is a bigger baby about being sick than Sebastian is!!  LOL!

Today we had our 6 mo. WBV complete with all the immunizations.  The first shot didn't even phase him.  The second only made him whimper but he was back to his flirty self within minutes.   He's such a little rock star!


Weight: 13 lbs. 7 oz.  3rd% (petite little man)
Length: 26"  25-50th%
Head Circumference: 43cm  25th%

New Discoveries and Likes/Dislikes

  • He found his feet and they happen to be his very favorite toy!
  • He loves to make his noisy toys make noise
  • Increasingly giggly
  • Ticklish under his arms, neck and thighs
  • Everything is now being put in the mouth.  No finger is safe.
  • He's busting out of his swaddle more and more so we've been putting him down for naps without it and he seems to do a really great job self-soothing so I think we are days away from saying goodbye to the swaddle.
  • All he wants to do is stand up or sit up.  He isn't content just laying around anymore.
  • Sebi still doesn't like to roll over much.  Evidently he does it all the time at daycare but would rather not when he is home with us.  LOL!
  • Truly loves when we read him books before bed.
  • Still loves to be naked.
  • Seems to have days when he is practicing his vocal skills and then days when he works on his motor development. 
  • LOVES my mom.
  • Robert has taken to playing music for him which he really enjoys.  And just like his dad, he seems to prefer Queen and The Carpenters...
  • We got him a Baby Einstein Musical Motion Activity Jumper and the he gets so excited!  It's really cute to watch.
  • Suddenly he tolerates car rides.  He used to scream bloody murder the minute we strapped him into his car seat and now he seems to enjoy a car ride.  Not sure what happened.
  • Loves interacting with people.  Especially loves women and his cousin Kyle and Colby.
  • He still gets up once in the middle of the night but I actually really enjoy that little time we have together.  I am hoping that remains until we are done nursing (at 12 months).  Am I crazy? 
  • Likes toys with faces on them.
  • Wears 3-6 mo clothing and finally seems to fit into them.
  • Has a blow-out almost once a day... 
  • Daycare loves him and always says he is such an easy, happy, content little boy which makes me so proud.
  • He greets me with a HUGE smile on daycare days when I go to pick him up and that's better than ice cream.

Some pictures of our little man.

With Uncle Christian on his birthday.

Hanging out with dad.

Still LOVES being naked.

Mr. Smiley!  And this was the day he started coming down with a cold.  You would never have guessed with all the smiles he was throwing around.

Everything is in the mouth these days.

On his first walk around the lake.  He loved being outside in the sunshine.

This pic cracks me up.  We had Marc, Jamie and Cy over for dinner and Sebi was sooo not interested in Cyrus?!

Little Guy Cy.  Such a happy little guy too.

This kid isn't loved, is he?  Here he is, the center of attention with big cousins Kyle and Colby and Grandpa Csonaki.

A cute close-up.  Look how long his hair is getting!

Standing up with Grandpa.  My dad is coocoo for coco puff over this kid.  And the feeling is mutual.

Grandma Beautiful giving him a bath.

Baby booty.  Tara, he lurvs his bath towel by the way.  Especially the silky part.

My little bear.

sebastian's monthly update

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