What Would You Do?

Mar 17, 2009 09:16

So, it's no secret that my husband is having a MAJOR love affair with his son.  I think it's cute and good for Sebastian to have a father so invested in him.  HOWEVER...

Jacquelynn called me last night to inform me that the dates I had planned out for this 4-day girlie weekend with the cousins (Sebastian, Cyrus and baby Logan when he is born) is not going to work from her.  I picked that weekend because Robert will be gone with my dad for 10 days in Alaska fishing.  Well, I mentioned last night briefly that that weekend isn't going to work for Jacquelynn and R basically put the kibosh on finding another weekend.  I didn't get into it too much but I mentioned I would need to find another weekend and he said, "that's fine, but you'll need to leave Sebi here."


He was joking but not really.  I know he is going to have a major problem with me leaving for 4 days with Sebastian.  He sees weekend time as 'family time' because he doesn't get to see a ton of Sebastian during the week (well, now neither of us do really).  And I agree but this sort of thing doesn't happen often.  He did suggest leaving Jacquelynn behind which is an option but I know from the girl's standpoint, why would we when we could just pick another weekend?  I just know I'm going to get a lot of concerned stares when I say R doesn't want me to go on a weekend when he is home.

Am I being unreasonable in thinking R should sorta just suck it up for one weekend?  Honestly I don't foresee this happening again any time soon.  And it isn't going to be until July - Sebi will be 9 months by then.  I would like to be told I'm being unreasonable OR at least have time to get my arguments straight before gently bringing this up for more discussion tonight.

sebi, the hubs, travel

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