Riki Tiki Tavi

Aug 26, 2008 07:20

When I was a child, I was surrounded by Rudyard Kipling. There was a copy of "If" hanging on my wall since before I could read ("If a man can keep his head when all those about him are losing theirs and blaming it on him...."), The Jungle Book was a staple (the book, not the film), and, of course, Riki Tiki Tavi was one of my absolute favorite stories. No wonder I turned out like this.
The day I met my platoon sergeant for the Afghan War, Miah, quite by accident we wound up loudly quoting another line to one another-

"...and as I lie dying on Afghanistan's plains
and the women come down to cut out your veins
just roll on your rifle and blow out your brains
and go to your Gawd like a soldier...."

-much to the shock of the rest of our company's leadership, who hadn't a clue. I was so fortunate to have served with him. And to have grown up with RK.

Preparations continue for the great move to DC. I officially tendered my resignation to the Army yesterday. Today, I am cleaning equipment for turn-in and getting my few belongings in order for the movers to assess and figuring out how I am going to pack up clothing, language books, et al, for the flight. This is still so powerfully new. This is a whole new life.
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