Quest Nine: Good to be home...ish

Nov 26, 2011 02:24

[A. Action for household: Mae is looking around the destroyed house]

.....Oh wow. It feels more like home already. Wish they'd left me my pip-boy though.

[ B. Action: On the streets of Mayfield, oh dear lord the humanity ....wait what the hell is that woman doing? Ah yes the proud tradition of looting/scavenging. She's got a stick on her back, a knife on her side and is currently examining a pot before tossing it in her bag. If she see's you walking by she'll wave.]

Hey there! How's life in post-apocolyptia treating you?

[C. Checking up on people. Mae's making sure the people she knows are alright. Knocking on doors. Whose door? Your door. She doesn't know you? Well she does now.]

Hey, everyone all right in here?

scavenging is fun, wasteland blues, good karma, guardian of the waste

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