Quest Ten: Back from the Waste | Monday

Dec 04, 2011 19:32

[People might have noticed that all Sunday Mae has been replaced by Drone!Mae. Or not because Drone!Mae was a good little housewife and was at home for most of the day, going to church of course. Mae herself wakes up on Monday morning trying to figure where she is right now....]

You have got to be kidding me. This place ..,.again? And I was only gone a day here? ....ugh! I can't believe this place! Oh and speaking of fun. I get to go from almost dying of radiation poisoning here, only to go home and....almost die of radiation poisoning two more times. Seriosuly, coma for THREE weeks that first time. I wasn't supposed to survive that one at all. I thought I was walking into my death.

Oh and if anyone finds me highly irradiating myself to solve a problem ever again? Just kick me okay? Or yell something along the lines of YOU WILL REGRET THIS. I can still taste the rad-away and that stuff is disgusting. ugh.

Also... I really, really, REALLY hate cults.

And it's late but you know what we should all be thankful for? Clean water. Because it's amazing and not full of radiation.

[A. Home: After that rant Mae is getting a drink of water like she said she was.

B. In the record store poking around. Are you in there too? Mae will flag you down. Yup the girl in armour and with a metal lump on her arm wants your attention. Clearly totally normal.]

Hey, what do you need to play these disc things anyway?

radiation is not fun, went home, older and wiser?, wasteland blues, clean water, pissed off a little

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