Quest Eight: Bored Mae =story timez?

Nov 13, 2011 12:07

Hey Mayfield. I have a question.

What are your homes like? Not your fake homes here. But your actual homes. The ones you woke up from? Mine's a pretty horrible place but I still miss it.

Anyone want to trade stories?

[A. Mae has regained ONE great new piece of clothing. She has her vault 101 jumpsuit back and is wearing it with pride as she walks down the street listening to the radio on her pip-boy. ie: A strange metal thing on her arm. Totally not out of place at all.

B. Mae is dropping in on people she knows. If She's talked to you before, there's a knock on your door. If you answer the door and have never seen her before, there's a good chance she's lost. All the houses look the same here alright?

C. Mae is in the hardware store. You may have just noticed her pocketing a few rounds of ammo from behind the back of the drone cashier. Er....tell her not to break the law?]

bored, rant to her, she wants to hear stories, vault 101, steals all the things, pip-boy

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