Happy Father's Day!

Jun 21, 2009 23:09

Well, today I woke up ridiculously late. (about 5 pm)

By the time I woke up, my sister and dad were almost finished grilling bratwursts (although I personally don't like any kind of pork) and so we all sat at the table.
My mom had already eaten a hot dog and the phone rang (it was our grandma) so she talked to her for awhile, while my dad ate one hot dog, and about half of another.
After the first one, and a few bites of the second one, he said "wow, these brats suck!"
And my sister said hers smelled funny. My mom ripped another one open after we said that and it smelled bad as well. Apparently one of the packages had gone rotten. So we threw it all out and went out to eat.
We went out and ate as CiCi's Pizza Buffet. It was our first time there so I didn't really know what to expect. There Mac&Cheese pizza was REALLY good, and so was their regular cheese (albeit a bit saucey) the brownies w/ powdered sugar were also really good.
My parents tried all of the different kinds of pizza, and they liked all of them, but one of them (don't remember which) was really spicy.
After that we were going to let my dad get a new computer chair (as his is almost completely broken) so we went to Best Buy to get one. Turns out the Best Buy near where we live doesn't sell computer chairs. The one in the north does. Whatever, my sister looked at video games, I looked at computer games, my mom at TVs, and my dad just sort of wandered around. We were going to go somewhere else after we were all done looking, but he found a computer he really liked.
So he showed it to my mom, and we can afford it right now, so he was going to buy it. Turns out they were out of stock for that particular model until Monday or Wednesday. The guy who was telling us about it kept on telling us to preorder it to make sure they had a copy. My dad said no, repeatedly, and so he finally gave up. We're going to go in Thursday to get the computer, and then in a week or two he's going to get a new computer chair. Sometime this summer we're going to have paid off our house, and we're going to add a deck off the door (rather than the stairs we have right now) and my mom is going to get a new TV.
Right now, he have a 4x4 [square] 32" LED. It's not bad at all, but my mom is looking at getting a 58" (or 60") LCD HDTV. It's going to end up taking up a whole wall, but I think it'll be worth it.
Oh! I checked my order status today, my mp3 player from newegg was shipped today, so I'll either have it Tuesday or Wednesday, so I'm super psyched for that. After I have my mp3 player, I'll be able to start my exercising again. (usually just jogging and occasionally balance routines)
I played Diablo 2 again. Last time I played was in December, when I got it for Christmas. (I used to play it with my dad when I was 5, so I had fond memories of it and asked for it) My sister and I played for about 10 minutes, finishing the first quest, of defeating all the monsters in the cave near the Cold Plains.

All in all, today was actually really fun. Tho my mom is more perverted then I am. XD
Oh, and my sister stuffed a whole cinnamon roll in her mouth and chewed it without opening her mouth. It was really funny.

fathers day

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