
Jul 01, 2009 23:50

Okay....rather random.

Anyway, I kissed a girl. And I liked it But that's really nothing new. I just felt like saying that.

I am also actually working on a FANfiction, rather than an original fiction. Currently, it's nearing 3k words, so rather short. It is currently only posted on DeviantArt, though that is because my lovely buddy Shishiza-kun and I made a challenge to eachother.

Pretty much, on MSN messenger she was bouncing ideas off me for her SSX Tricky fanfiction, and we ended up coming up with this epic plot. (Well, I think it's epic) Then, she came up with the idea that "Hey! You're the one that came up with about half of this! You should write a version too!!!!"

Soooo, that is my current WIP fic, which I may eventually remember to post on FFNET. Which actually means I probably should now, but I really don't want to get sidetracked, so moooving on.

One of my best friends was a total douche today. Not the good douche he normally is (We decided he was scented douche, and the dickheads were discount douche) but like, super bad douche.
He blew up on one of our best friends, saying how he thought she was "pathetic" and "all of the mushy crap she keeps spewing" is making him "sick." Then, he decided to go farther, and say things like "besides, your ugly and you are always telling people about your problems, which is why no one will date you," then goes on to contradict himself and talk about how she was a "stupid girl who lied to the school counselors about things that could have gotten seriously hurt" and how "everyone tells him their sap story, but hers is the worst"

I swear to god, why can't people FUCKING GET ALONG.

Okay, now, on to happier times.
I found a new band exactly 23 hours and 11 minutes ago (it is exactly midnight right now) called "Blood on the Dance Floor".
He has like, the stereotypical "gayboy" voice thing, but when he actually sings, he sounds like Pete Wentz. Then he can also do heavy metal (think the beginning of I'm So Sick from Flyleaf when she screams) very well, but for the most part its like, a weird techno rap type thing. Still sounds cool.

Also, you should all listen to the song "Death to All But Metal" from Steel Panther, its like, filled with gay jokes, but it bashes like, all the sucky artists out there, as well as some good ones. (like Papa Roach and Blink 182.) It's like they ripped Eminem (which they actually did do) by bashing a bunch of artists.

Anyway, very happy with my new Sansa View. It's a lot heavier than I thought it would be, and the free case it came with doesn't do shit to protect it, since the click wheel opening is so large and loose that dirt gets under it super easily. Other than that, it is all pretty good. Sound quality isn't the best, but definitely good enough for someone like me who listens to music, not grade it. The screen occasionally freezes up, but it also records songs from the radio very well, and the songs aren't nearly as fuzzy on playback as they are when your listening to it straight from the radio.

Few complaints tho: The headphone jack is on the bottom, and so close to the USB port that it is nearly impossible to have them both hooked in at the same time. Not that that really matters, seeing as how you can't listen to music while it is hooked up and charging anyway, but that's really not a big deal. I still have Windows Media Player.
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