Dec 02, 2015 20:01
Day 4: Yoga
TIL I am not flexible OR strong. My legs, which I thought were steel cylinders from biking, gave out about three-quarters of the way through. I am definitely more flexible than I was when I started, which kind of surprises me because I haven't been doing this very long.
I'm worried because sometimes it feels like I'm pinching something in my neck, but I think that may also have to do with the way I carry my bag on my bike. I should really get a rack. Anyway, as usual, I'm glad I did it and I really do feel more relaxed. I especially liked all the stretching at the end. I can actually touch my toes now (not comfortably, so still not at my goal).
On a slightly related note, I've been sleeping A LOT better since I started doing this.
Tomorrow's workout: Legs and Back! Dun dun dunnnnnnn...