I think Vinnie blames me for the weather.

Mar 12, 2009 20:00

Vinnie was making an absolute nuisance of himself all day yesterday. He would sit by the back door and meaow and meaow and MREAOW until I would come and open it for him.
He'd look outside.
Then up at me. ("But it's wet out there.")
Then outside again.

"Yes Vinnie, it's wet. I told you it's wet out there."

"But... I want out."
*looks back up at me*

"Well WHAT you silly cat. I can't make it stop."

"But... but you have opposable thumbs. You can do ANYthing."

"Opposable thumbs do not control the weather you fuzzy nutball."
*I shut the door*

*repeat process every hour on the hour*


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