The 'ickectomy'

Oct 15, 2007 01:32 victory of his battle....Little Guy came to me and insisted that, having seen the beginnings of season 2 of RH that he felt it was time to 'Free the notch'...and get rid of his mustard scarf of ick that he was made with ....

I asked him if he was completely sure about this decision, as it would not only be permanent, but also dangerous.....with a risk of a chin tuck of nose job...but no - he said he had faith in my skills with a scalpel.....

So ......we began with the mustard-scarf-of-ick-ectomy..........

I said he'd best remove his outer garments, as they would only get in the way in the operating theater....

I picked him up and carried him into theater.....

He sat there while I made sure all the surgical instruments were gathered....he asked if he could remain seated throughout the procedure, but I advised him for his own safety that he lay down....

So....he settled down and pulled the sterile operating clothing over him..

I pulled on the gloves....and checked the blade was sharp......

Then we began.....

I told him to keep his head still to the side......

1st incision........then the next.......

'Stop fighting' I said....'you will come to harm'.....

'I cant help it' he said, 'I just want to be free of it...'

'all in good time' I replied.....

And then it was done.....Little Guy flopped back in relief.......glad it was over...

After a short while, his gingerly stood, and moved his head back and forth, enjoying the freedom at last......

He looked at me and smiled........

'Thanks'...................those words were all he had to say........

surgery, ickectomy

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