The battle for Richie

Oct 14, 2007 01:17

After Little Guy's last adventure he has now mended very well.....who'd have thought that plastic can heal so well....

So - feeling much better he said he wanted to explore the garden, as he thinks there wont be many nice days left to go wondering, without getting a chill......

He could smell my Gertrude Jekyll rose....and jumped up on the bench to get a good sniff of one of the last blooms......

He was soon distracted and a rustling noise.......but couldn't find where it was coming from....

By the

Near the bird joy there...

He became agitated, and said he wanted to get up higher to take a better look.......

Still nothing, so he went up much higher, till the garden was in full view.....and he noticed something by the pond.....

He got closer.........

Then who should appear from the other side of the pond but.........but Prince Charming - - and Richie

Little Guy pulled his swords.......'Ha' he said - 'you remember this? was yours'.....he said motioning to the nice big sword he was holding....

'That sword is mine, and I want it back' Prince Charming said.......

'Best come and get it then eh?.'...Little Guy said......

As Prince Charming went to knock into Little Guy with Richie, Little Guy took advantage of Richie's falter, and knocked prince Charming off....

But as Richie fled the scene, he booted Little Guy so that they both warriors ended up on their backs......Little Guy dropping the 'new' sword as he hit the deck......

Instantly they both mad a move for it, but Prince Charming got in there too quick......

On their feet in a flash.....they stood, waiting to see who would strike was Little Guy....

'That sword is now mine.......and I want it back again' Little Guy muttered....

'You will have to fight me for it'.....back and fourth they went.....back and forth - throwing insults that were making my already dying flowers die all the quicker........

Until - after a lack of judgment Prince Charming threw out his right thrust a little too wide, and Guy seized the moment, whacking his wrist with his sword......

Dropping his sword, Prince Charming suddenly realised that while they had been fighting, guy had backed him closer and closer to the water......trapped......

'Don't finish me off......please' Prince Charming pleaded......'you have the sword, and your horse - wimp that he is.....'

'I should make you swim with the fish and the many frogs' Little Guy muttered.......

'But I can't swim.....and besides, my plastic armor will ruin if you get it wet.........not to mention the weeds in my blond locks........'

'Very well' Little Guy said after much thought.......'I won't kill you ..........not soon........'

Little Guy turned around and retrieved his new bigger sword again....

And whistled for Richie to return....
Richie, seeing that all danger was passed , returned, and collected his correct master, that could sit on his back with out bandy legs, and trotted of to the house.......

Prince Charming uttered under his breath........'I will get you - both of you ....yet'......

flowers, richie, garden, prince charming

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