Injured today, better tomorrow.....

Sep 17, 2007 01:01

LG came in complaining that the cat got him...................and he had a gash in his midriff

First he had to carefully remove this garments without hurting himself too much.......

It was a lot of effort and the pain was getting worse. Luckily there was pain medication to hand.. paracetamol ...

He declined ..............asking for something much stronger.....

He hobbled straight over to the bottle hugged it, kissed it, and thanked me.....

H simply looked over and said ....'lets get this over with' ....

'Best come and sit down here' I replied....

I handed him a plaster, and he said could I do it......he wasn't up to I said ok.....

He turned quite pale, so I gave him some of his drink......he had rather too much, before asking me to continue......

The bandage went on as quickly and painlessly as I could muster, and told him it was all done....

He got up gingerly, and was rather shaky. Glad he had that sword to lean on......

'I was hoping to finish my fight with Prince Charming this week' he said............

Mawwwwwww......I really felt sorry for him, and told him he had better get some rest......he would need it.....

drink, first aid, injury

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